Archeologický výskum na Plaveckom hrade v rokoch 2018 a 2020


This article presents the first information about the second and third season of archaeological research into the Plavecký hrad castle conducted in 2018 and 2020. Probes 1C/2018 and 1D/2018 were located in the area of the entrance bridge structure leading to the upper castle where the remains of two bridge pillars once stood. During the course of the investigation, further four bridge pillars were identified. The structure originated in the second half of the 16th century and was rebuilt in the 17th century. Probes 2/2018 and 4/2018 were dug in the cellar area of the north palace which comes from the 15th century and was rebuilt in the 16th and 17th centuries. In probe 2 we identified the entrance frame and the threshold of the entrance to the cellar. Probe 5/2018 was located in the gate tower by the western wall of the upper castle. Probe 6/2020 was dug in the destruction cone south of the outer bailey wall. The destruction cone was created in the 19th and 20th centuries when the castle was no longer inhabited. The paper gives basic information about the investigated archaeological contexts and presents the first results of research into the material culture of the upper strata in the modern age (between the second half of the 16th century and the mid-18th century) when the castle was owned by the Balaš, Bakič, Fugger and Pálffy families.

Klíčová slova:
Plavecký hrad; archaeological research; modern-age material culture; 16th–18th centuries


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