Environmental History of Horný Tisovník : Transformations of land uses from the late Middle Ages, through industrial expansion during the Modern Age to the current abandonment of the countryside


The value of the agricultural landscape of the cadastral area of Horný Tisovník does not correspond to fertile soil, but it is expressed by the extensive system of agricultural terraces which have persisted in the area for at least 250 to 300 years. The terraces represent an exceptional cultural and historical heritage. The aim of this paper is to clarify the origin and evolution of the terraces using methodological approaches of environmental history. In the research, we analysed their natural conditions, historical and current land uses and the production properties of farmland. Using historical sources and the field survey, we identified types of terraces and their basic parameters. Based on data syntheses and interpretations of environmental and historical factors, the reasons for their origin and gradual development from the mid-16th century to the present time were explained, as well as the reasons for their uneven geographical distribution in the cadastral territory. The results demonstrated the need to respect a local historical agricultural knowledge system for the optimizing of the design of the future land use.

landscape genesis; environmental history; land use; time and space; historical terraces; cultural and historical value


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