Brünner Beiträge zur Germanistik und Nordistik cs-CZ (Brünner Beiträge zur Germanistik und Nordistik) (Technická podpora OJS FF MU) Pá, 29 pro 2023 00:00:00 +0100 OJS 60 IDT 2022 : ein Tagungsbericht Theresia Mitterer Copyright © Pá, 29 pro 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Landeskunde in Deutsch als Fremd und Zweitsprache zwischen Diskursivität und Plurizentrik : Beispiele aus internationaler Perspektive Johannes Köck, Paul Voerkel, Hyun Hee Copyright © Pá, 29 pro 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Diskursive Landeskunde : Spracharbeit - recht(s) extrem In a perception of our own or Foreign Cultures, we ascribe interpretations to specific situations that are shaped by our personal and selective experiences. Discourse-based cultural studies posit that these meanings are formed through conversation and discourse. Thus, cultural studies are intimately intertwined with language, arising and evolving through language usage and discourse. In this context, the following text presents a teaching example from a Finnish university German lesson to demonstrate how learners of German as a foreign language become active participants in the construction of meaning. They expand their opinions and question different positions in the discourse to comprehend and acknowledge them. Using the beginning of a coming-of-age novel as an authentic text on migration, learners engage in literary reception, enhancing oral and written communication skills while raising awareness of recognizing right-wing extremist language. Through discussions, learners explore social contexts and become conscious of symbols as linguistic tools. Alexandra Virtanen Copyright © Pá, 29 pro 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Die Dekonstruktion von Stereotypen durch Irritation im Unterricht : eine empirische Untersuchung This study intends to elucidate the process of culture-related learning by clarifying the possibilities of deconstructing anticipated stereotypical ideas GFL learners might have about the German, Austrian and Swiss target culture(s). The main hypothesis of the inquiry was the assumption, that the German speaking countries (DACH) are somehow being perceived as a positive model in Slovakia as far as garbage economy and waste disposal are concerned, although in reality, this image might be put into perspective. The problem of the empirical measurement of stereotypes was solved with two identical questionnaires of stereotype-related items, which were handed out to the students of a Slovak high school (gymnázium) before and after a 90-minute German lesson with the overall environmental issue "What to to with the garbage?". During the lesson, pedagogical interventions were carried out to disrupt the student's assumed positive image on the DACH-countries as a prerequisite for change towards a more realistic picture of the German speaking countries. To avoid response bias, the students weren't informed about the actual goal of the questionnaire, measuring possible stereotypical ideas, thinking, they would attend a lesson dealing with an environmental issue. The findings of the study and the problems that occurred are presented and discussed in the article. Yannick Baumann Copyright © Pá, 29 pro 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Deutsch sein ist divers : über die Mehrdimensionalität und Fluidität der Zuordnung "deutsch sein" sowie die Bedeutsamkeit der Thematisierung der Opfer von rechter Gewalt im DaF/DaZ-Unterricht "Blind in your right eye, because you won't see it" is a line from the song "Fair" by the rapper Nura. The question that arises is whether teachers of German as a foreign or second language remain blind in the right eye if topics like right-wing violence, racism, and discrimination are excluded from the classroom in order to construct a positive image of Germany. The question is: What does it mean to be German, and how do we determine that? These questions are part of a discourse on cultural learning and the consideration of which topics and depictions of culture are given space in the learning environment. One aim of the article is to provide teachers with ideas about the issue and how to integrate it into the classroom. The topic of right-wing violence can be overwhelming and heavy. Even though, artists, initiatives, and collectives like Nura and Datteltäter can provide empowering impulses for a diverse society. Lena Uca Copyright © Pá, 29 pro 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Toleranz und Gleichberechtigung : ein Beispiel zur Förderung der Diskursfähigkeit im Rahmen des kulturreflexiven DaF-Unterrichts mit Erasmus Incoming-Studierenden der Universität Graz This article presents teaching materials to promote the development of discourse skills. It provides an introduction by bringing together theoretical perspectives and the results of the research project Conveying values and culture in GFL courses at the University of Graz. In addition to that, reference is made to the objectives of the research project and to the quantitative and qualitative data collection. It will be shown that the teaching materials are based on the findings of the empirical study. The main focus is on the question of how GFL teachers can contribute to make it easier for GFL learners to deal with real-world problems and to participate in social, cultural and political life. In this context, activities and exercises on the topic of tolerance and equality will be described. In sum, the article uncovered a need to provide methods and strategies that can develop the ability to engage in German language discourses. Stefanie Faustmann Copyright © Pá, 29 pro 2023 00:00:00 +0100 "Die Deutsche Märchenstraße" als erlebbare und diskursive Landeskunde im DaF-Unterricht This article deals with the use of a 600 km long route through Germany, the "German Fairy Tale Route" in foreign language German lessons. In the context of the discursive approach, an attempt is made to create a didactic proposal on the topic of the "German Fairy Tale Route". In order to increase the interest and motivation of those learning German, an attempt is made to create didactic suggestions on the topic of "German Fairy Tale Route" with discursive regional studies using authentic and versatile materials. Serde Belma Avcı Copyright © Pá, 29 pro 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Die Darstellung von Kulturen der DACH-Länder an chinesischen Hochschulen am Beispiel des Lehrwerks Studienweg Deutsch Language and culture are interdependent in many ways, and so the teaching and learning of culture are inseparable from language education. Herein, textbooks have become a crucial medium for representing cultural values, beliefs, and even stereotypes or misunderstandings. According to the DACH principle, the entire German-speaking world should somehow be shown in the textbook. In this regard, the present article poses the questions of whether the textbooks developed in China for teaching German as a foreign language sufficiently represent the cultural diversity of the entire German-speaking world. Based on the FARCET analysis model, the textbook Studienweg Deutsch, which comprises a total of four books and is used at over 80 Chinese universities, is examined qualitatively and quantitatively. The research results show that German culture dominates among the DACH countries, while Austria and Switzerland are marginalized. All DACH countries are represented superficially, as the descriptions of cultural products is the highest and cultural perceptions are the lowest. In this panorama, the diversity of representation of German culture contrasts with the simplified form of representation of other German-speaking countries. Nannan Ge Copyright © Pá, 29 pro 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Diskursive Landeskunde im Unterricht Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF) : Entwicklung und Erprobung von literaturbasierten Online-Materialien für den chinesischen Bachelorstudiengang Germanistik In today's globalized world, the construction of meaning for cultural activities has grown progressively more diverse and intricate. Within foreign language classrooms, enabling students to actively participate in foreign language discourse and grasp the intricacies of cultural meaning construction is essential for their enhanced ability to tackle a wide array of complex global challenges. To accomplish this, cultural teaching in German as a Foreign Language (GFL) classes has undergone a paradigm shift over the past two decades. Instead of looking at human behavior from an external perspective, cultural teaching now concentrates on individualized viewpoints regarding discursive negotiation processes. This development has also accelerated the evolution of literary didactics in GFL classes, which relies on discursive concepts such as Diskursive Landeskunde. However, the lack of training in discursive ability in both cultural and literary courses in the Bachelor's program of German Studies at the investigated university, ECNU, can lead to a superficial and narrow understanding of cultural activities. This study addresses this issue and adopts the research method of Design-Based research, designing and testing literature-based course materials on the topic of Migration and Home. The goal is to enhance both the discursive and aesthetic abilities of students in the Chinese German Studies program. Yifan Feng Copyright © Pá, 29 pro 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Zur Umsetzung des plurizentrischen Ansatzes in gängigen DaF-Lehrwerken This article offers insights into the discussion on pluricentricity in new textbooks for teaching German as a Foreign Language (DaF) and emphasizes the need to consider its potentials and limitations. Pluricentricity refers to the existence of multiple varieties or standard languages within a single language. This concept is gaining importance in foreign language classes as learners are increasingly exposed to different variations of the German language. This article begins by discussing the advantages and disadvantages of integrating pluricentricity in DaF textbooks. A critical reflection on the implementation of this principle will be discussed in this section following the analysis of a few recent textbooks. Finally, recommendations are provided on how to effectively utilize pluricentricity in DaF textbooks. Further research and development of teaching materials and including the topic in teachers' training are necessary to optimally harness the potentials of pluricentricity in teaching German as a foreign language. Bharati Daftari-Hölzer Copyright © Pá, 29 pro 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Landeskunde in Lehrwerken - über ein Land erzählen oder ein Land erzählen? Classical cultural studies, or 'Landeskunde', as it has been known since the first textbooks on teaching German as a foreign language, tells its readers a lot about a country, initially in a cognitive manner, and later also through an intercultural and communicative approach. Alongside historical events like the fall of the Berlin wall, aspects of everyday life and culture have come into focus, as is evidenced by the existence of many texts about food in Germany, Austria and Switzerland (commonly known as DACH). These classical approaches to 'Landeskunde' are challenged in this essay by arguing that 'Landeskunde' is often transmitted implicitly, through the protagonists of the textbooks and the stories they tell – therefore, 'Landeskunde' is also people's studies. It is in these stories that a country is told. Are German textbooks still dominated by "young, dynamic, cheerful people of different origins" (Funk 2004: 41, translated by the author) that "principally belong to a prosperous bourgeois middle class" (Altmayer 2017: 17, translated by the author)? What are the stories about German-speaking countries that they tell? How is the discursive approach to 'Landeskunde' being implemented? These questions are discussed in this essay with reference to current German-language textbooks, with a focus on three new books on the A1/A2 levels. Hans Joachim Schulze Copyright © Pá, 29 pro 2023 00:00:00 +0100 'Diskursive Landeskunde' in Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache: Bestandsaufnahme, Herausforderungen und offene Fragen The paper presents the state of the art within the discussion about the 'discoursive approach' of cultural learning in the field of German as a second and foreign language. It is argued, that the 'discoursive' approach is accepted by many as an interesting and promising paradigm shift that has created a new base of thinking about cultural learning and its relevance for learners of German, but that on the other hand some crucial questions and challenges still have to be answered: What do we mean by 'discoursive'? What about teaching simple knowledge of 'facts'? What level of language proficiency do learners need to be ready for 'discoursive' learning? Some of these questions are discussed in the paper and it will be shown, that we urgently need more efforts to implement the new approach in teaching and learning of German as a second or foreign language. Claus Altmayer Copyright © Pá, 29 pro 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Einbeziehen von sprachlicher Vielfalt oder Dialektliteratur im DaF-Unterricht The paper seeks to show that the use of dialect literature in the teaching of German as a Foreign Language (DaF) can be very enriching for students. It argues that this practice creates awareness that the German language is not homogeneous across German-speaking countries, but is characterised by variety (the pluricentricity of German). In addition, working with dialect texts allows learners to be immersed in the everyday reality of their target language by experiencing the diglossia that is prevalent in most German-speaking areas. In this way, the texts help students realise that there is not just one standardised form of expression in German that is correct and permissible. The unadulterated tone and idiosyncrasies of literary works in dialect also offer an insight into the emotional world of the people who use the language and into their unique culture and mentality. This is illustrated with the help of two dialect poems ("Drei Vëigl fliagn" and "Die 5 Johreszeitn") by the South Tyrolean author Maridl Innerhofer (1921-2013). Gerlinde Thaler Copyright © Pá, 29 pro 2023 00:00:00 +0100 [Altmayer, Claus. Kulturstudien : eine Einführung für das Fach Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitspracheg] Johannes Köck, Jan Trna Copyright © Pá, 29 pro 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Diskursive Aspekte der Sprachvermittlung an der Theater-Fakultät der Janáček-Akademie für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Brno/Tschechien The article takes a look at some specifics of teaching German at the Theater faculty of the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts (JAMU) in Brno/Czech Republic. Specifically, it addresses the question of how to enable students of theater directing to actively participate in discursive practices in German as a foreign language. In the following, the question of how the discourse skills acquired in Czech subject teaching could be made fruitful in German teaching is explored. Jan Trna Copyright © Pá, 29 pro 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Potenziale von Bildern beim Kulturbezogenen Lernen : eine empirische Studie zu Deutschlehrenden und ägyptischen Lernenden This article addresses the question of the extent to which ambiguous images with cultural potential play a role in culture-related learning processes. It is assumed that images with multiple interpretations can have a high potential in the culture-related learning field, which leads learners to express their feelings and emotions more strongly. The concepts of interpretation learning by Ingeborg Schüßler, the concept of emotion learning by Rolf Arnold, and the theory of expansive learning by Klaus Holzkamp with his subject position serve as the theoretical basis for concretizing the concept of culture-related learning in this work. This work is also based on the cultural studies approach of discursive cultural studies by Claus Altmayer, in which "culture" is no longer defined objectively, but as a negotiation of meanings. This work attempts to find answers to the following questions based on an empirical investigation of German teachers in Egypt and Egyptian German as a Foreign Language learners: To what extent can images initiate the culture-related learning process? What potentials do images have on the different levels within culture-related learning processes? Mohammed Elshehawy Copyright © Pá, 29 pro 2023 00:00:00 +0100 "Much Wow, Such Fun" - diskursive Momente mit Internetmemen im DaF-Unterricht : ein globales (jugend-)kulturelles Phänomen zur Diskurskompetenzförderung Many people use memes in their daily lives, they consume them, share them, and create them themselves. They are used, among other things, to comment (humorously) on current topics, to take a stand, to draw attention to a topic. And precisely because internet memes themselves are often integrated into a discursive practice they are also suitable in foreign language teaching to promote discourse competence. This article provides an outline of the development of memes and internet memes and uses political internet memes as an example to show that they go beyond mere entertainment. Hereafter it will show the potential of memes as authentic material for teaching German as a Foreign Language and how they can be used to promote learners' discourse competence. Johanna Dalsant Copyright © Pá, 29 pro 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Kaleidoskop der Berge : kulturreflexives Lernen im DaF-Hochschulunterricht am Beispiel der Alpen Foreign language teaching represents a place that combines linguistic and cultural learning. The Alps as a culturally diverse living space are suitable as a topic for culturally reflective teaching. The focus of the paper is to explore how the concepts of Places of Memory (Erinnerungsorte) and Patterns of Interpretation (Deutungsmuster) can be used inclusively in teaching German as a foreign language. After an introduction of the two concepts, considerations of compatibility and didactic potential are made. This is followed by a presentation of the two concepts using the Alps as an example. On the one hand it is about life in mountain villages and cultural identity, on the other hand it is about traditional costume. The goal of the exercises is a critical examination from different perspectives. Specifically, they aim at providing access to Patterns of Interpretation as well as the development of discourse competence and symbolic competence for orientation in official German-speaking regions and, beyond that, one's own positioning. Katrin Stefan Copyright © Pá, 29 pro 2023 00:00:00 +0100