Bohemica litteraria Masarykova univerzita cs-CZ Bohemica litteraria 1213-2144 Milostná vášeň v dílech osvícenských spisovatelek z českých zemí The study examines the depiction of love in texts by women authors of the second half of the 18th and early 19th centuries. It traces the tensions created by the assertion of the "romantic" image of love as love in relation to a society supposedly autonomous, unconditional and spontaneous and the needs of a transforming bourgeois family. It then traces the various articulations and resolutions of this conflict in the works of Marie Anna Sager (née Rozkošny), Victoria Rupp (née Roudnitz), Walburga Truchsess-Zeyl, Rebecca Leška, Emilie Nunn, and (in translation) Babeta Bradáčová. It concludes that the texts neither reduce the role of women in these conflicts to pragmatic self-sacrifice for the sake of economic and socially acceptable pragmatics, nor do they explicitly adorn the "impossibility" of romantic love, as encountered, for example, in the male authors of the "Sturm und Drang" movement, but rather seek and find a compromise solution between the interests of the nuclear family on the one hand and the need for the objectification and unconditionality of love on the other. Sager achieves this through the seamless transition of sibling love into lover love, Rupp through the emotional manipulation of a daughter in love by her mother, Truchsess-Zeyl through the re-introduction of spouses who think of themselves as strangers, and the text mediated by Bradáčová through the strengthening of the mother-son relationship as a substitute for a lost lover. Václav Smyčka Copyright © 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 27 1 7 22 10.5817/BL2024-1-1 Husitství, historismus a hledání národních dějin : (na příkladu próz Poslední orebita a Poslední táborita) This study examines the approaches to the themes of governance, state and society as explored in two prose texts from the Vormärz period written by authors from the Bohemian lands, Jan Erazim Vocel's short story The Last of the Orebites and Karl Herloßsohn's novel The Last of the Taborites. Set in the medieval Hussite era and steeped in romantic historicist aesthetics, the two texts reflect the authors' political attitudes to questions important to early 19th century society in the Bohemian lands and Austria in general. The questions of conflict, dialogue and conciliation between nations, faiths and social classes are evoked within larger idealist constructions in which aesthetic conventions associated with romanticism carry narratives with Biedermeier and loyalist overtones. Ladislav Futtera Matouš Turek Copyright © 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 27 1 23 37 10.5817/BL2024-1-2 Měšťanský subjekt v dělnické stávce : stávková dramata z českých zemí kolem roku 1900 The paper examines whether there are signs of what, in accordance with Andreas Reckwitz's book Das hybride Subjekt, can be called a crisis of bourgeois (or civic) subjectivity ("das bürgerliche Subjekt") in workers' dramas with the theme of the strike around 1900. According to Reckwitz, this anthropological ideal, which combines the idea of (self-)perfectibility with the claim to a deep inner experience of the human being, reached a hegemonic position in the second half of the 19th century. One of the spheres of crisis of this ideal after 1900, according to Reckwitz, is the industrial environment, where there is a massification, a socialization of subjectivity at the expense of the bourgeois idea of its individual self-determination. The paper analyzes three strike dramas from the Czech lands around 1900 (Philipp Langmann, Karel Želenský, Jaroslav Zyka-Borotínský) in the context of literature with a working-class theme. It concludes that Želenský and Borotínský in particular depict the workers not as a desired new model of post-bourgeois subjectivity, but rather as an easily influenced and potentially violent crowd. In all three dramas, then, the working-class protagonist is conceived as a nineteenth-century bourgeois subject, that is, as a deeply moral, self-reflexive individual, and as such as an exception to his own social milieu. Jan Budňák Copyright © 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 27 1 38 50 10.5817/BL2024-1-3 Žena a Marie ve vybraných dílech Jaroslava Durycha The paper deals with the concept of woman and Mary in selected prose works by Jaroslav Durych. It mainly includes works from the author's so-called girl cycle, but it does not focus solely on them. The thematic analysis reveals the interconnectedness of the motifs of woman and the Virgin Mary, the most important woman in the Christian religion. Durych's conception of Marian themes is not limited to internal or external characteristics. This study therefore seeks to encompass the most significant motifs associated with the figure of the Virgin Mary as understood in traditional Marian veneration (mother, virgin, co-redemptress, symbolism of flowers, colours and light). Klára Březinová Copyright © 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 27 1 51 70 10.5817/BL2024-1-4 Helena Salichová jako sběratelka pověrečných pověstí o vodníkovi z území Slezska This article is dedicated to the author, painter and collector of Silesian folklore Helena Salichová. In the introduction, her written estate is described, from which the records of superstitious (i.e. demonological) legends were selected for further examination, specifically those featuring the figure of the water spirit (a folder called Hasrmani). In the records stored in this folder, we identify both the narrators from whom Salichová collected the stories and the locations of collection, and we are also interested in the author's possible interventions in individual texts. The characteristic of the water spirit is not omitted either. It is observed how he is perceived in the context of folklore and how he is depicted in Salichová's records. Andrea Balharová Copyright © 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 27 1 71 91 10.5817/BL2024-1-5 Současná uměleckonaučná tvorba pro děti a mládež o umění The current book production aimed at children and youth provides an expansive territory for non-fiction titles. Besides the extent of art methods, there is an extraordinarily immense topic spectrum approached from an original perspective presented by the titles. The study pays attention to the art topic, which is mediated by non-fiction books in a different intensity. The study focuses on various perspectives which make the art accessible for the youth, and on the creative approach based on the cooperation of words, images, graphics, and book type. Non-fiction books of art can be a good example of today's book media, which invites readers of different generations to share and encourages an inexperienced reader to enter the dialogue with the experienced one. The books encourage the interest in the creative process and inspiring activities of others by fostering a learning path and showing that the art is open to a reader for discovery and experience, even without his or her previous education. Olga Kubeczková Copyright © 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 27 1 92 115 10.5817/BL2024-1-6 Armagedon na Grbe Rudolfa Slobodu ako divadelná prekladová situácia : (slovensko-české intersemiotické hľadanie) This paper deals with the issue of translation in theatrical communication in standard and less standard translation situations. The theoretical part is based on the understanding of translation as a monolingual metacommunicative situation by the Slovak literary scholar Anton Popovič, bi-lingual communication by the linguist and translator Edita Gromová, and mainly on the theory of intersemiotic translation by the American linguist of Russian origin Roman Osipovich Jakobson, and it also includes a model of the multimodal theatrical communication situation in the conclu-sion. The basic research material, which I used to exemplify the above-mentioned issue, is the emblematic dramatic text Armageddon na Grbe by the Slovak novelist and playwright Rudolf Sloboda. Directed by Juraj Nvota, the play was premiered at the Korzo Theater in Bratislava Astorka‘90 in 1993, and its Czech translation by Jan Antonín Pitínský was staged at the Zlín Municipal Theater in 2010 (directed by Dodo Gombár). Dagmar Inštitorisová Copyright © 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 27 1 116 132 10.5817/BL2024-1-7 Vzorná studie o pohádkách Peter Deutschmann Copyright © 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 27 1 135 137 10.5817/BL2024-1-8 Studie o vztahu literatury a hudby Jiří Poláček Copyright © 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 27 1 138 140 10.5817/BL2024-1-9