Bohemica litteraria Masarykova univerzita cs-CZ Bohemica litteraria 1213-2144 Editorial Jan Tlustý Luisa Nováková Copyright © 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 27 2 7 7 10.5817/BL2024-2-1 V interesu pomníku : strategie kanonizace literátky na přelomu století Monuments to deceased writers erected in public space helped to create visible and permanent sites of memory in the second half of the 19th century. Thus they helped to constitute a widely shared canon of Czech national literature. In that time institutions such as Svatobor and the Czech Academy played a key role in the field of commemoration. As far as women were concerned, Aleida Assmann's observation regarding a structural amnesia can be applied here without any hesitation. This fact can be very well observed after the death of Karolina Světlá in September 1899, when Eliška Krásnohorská attempted to break the status quo. She undertook a determined, assertive campaign to commemorate the writer in the form of a monument on Charles Square (another was planned and eventually erected in Podještědí). She did not hesitate to write to the president of the Academy, Josef Hlávka, to organize a petition of writers and editors, to dramatize Světlá's short story "in the interest of the monument" and to donate the proceeds for its realization. The result was the first monument to a female writer in the urban space of Prague. Petra Ježková Copyright © 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 27 2 11 20 10.5817/BL2024-2-2 Střet Karla Havlíčka s Josefem Kajetánem Tylem o Posledního Čecha jako spor o českou veřejnost The paper analyses the critique of Josef Kajetán Tyl's novel Poslední Čech (The Last Czech, 1844), which was published in 1845 by the emerging critic Karel Havlíček. The critical attack was not exclusively motivated personally, more importantly it was an attempt to become more visible and break with the older, sentimental patriotism of Czech literary canon. The paper argues that it is also representative of the Central European transformation of the public sphere (Öffentlichkeit). The paper shows that in the cultural nationalism of the time literary criticism fulfilled increasingly important mediating role between the growing national capital of art and other European centres of artistic innovation (Pascale Casanova). Havlíček's critical performance is viewed as a part of a broader effort to dominate the field of criticism, of which Tyl was a prominent protagonist, and make it an independent bourgeois institution. Therefore, the contexts of the conflict are not only sought for in Czech-language journals, but also in German-language media. This is facilitated by the relatively wide acclaim that Tyl's Poslední Čech received before and after Havlíček (Ost und West, Oesterreichische Blätter für Literatur und Kunst, Die Grenzboten etc.). Dalibor Dobiáš Copyright © 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 27 2 21 41 10.5817/BL2024-2-3 Vyšehrad : vybrané rysy singulárního stylu historického eposu Julia Zeyera The study focuses on the language and style of the historical epic Vyšehrad by the Czech writer Julius Zeyer (1841–1901). The paper presents an analysis of selected aspects of the singular style of the individual poems of the epic, and attempts to demonstrate the stylistic (in)coherence of the epic cycle through comparisons of selected linguistic features of the text; i.e. a situation in which all the stylemata in the text function in a complex way, both in interplay (the style of the text is coherent) and in contrast (the style of the text is (un)intentionally incoherent). The comparison of selected stylometric properties of individual poems of Vyšehrad has shown that there are no significant (quantitative) differences in selected linguistic properties of the texts in relation to the uniformly conceived thematic construction of the epic. All the poems of the historical and mythicizing epic are characterized by a linguistically coherent and uniform style, reflecting only slight disproportions in the length of specific texts. Martin Schacherl Copyright © 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 27 2 42 61 10.5817/BL2024-2-4 Kritik uprostřed "rozvalin a trosek" : počátky kritické činnosti Františka Götze The study focuses on the early years of the critical activity of a prominent Czech literary critic František Götz (1894–1974), in particular his contributions to the journals Lípa, Socialistická budoucnost and Host in the years 1918–1922. The study examines the relationship between Götz's writing and that of F. X. Šalda, prewar modernists, and young avant-garde authors. The polemics surrounding Expressionism in 1922 are also discussed, as is the composition of Götz's first book of critical essays, Anarchie v nejmladší české poezii ("Anarchy in the youngest Czech poetry", 1922). The article demonstrates that Götz was a critic who was responsive to the transformations of critical discourse that occurred at the turn of the 1910s and 1920s. He clearly demonstrates his capacity to assimilate new concepts and reinterpret them in a way that aligns with his understanding of the organic literary form, a notion that is at odds with the avant-garde's inclination towards radical innovation. Martin Tichý Copyright © 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 27 2 62 81 10.5817/BL2024-2-5 Tematizace lidských životních světů perspektivou dětí a dospělých, aneb, O receptivním potenciálu próz Petry Soukupové The contemporary Czech writer Petra Soukupová freely moves between at least two areas: she writes for both chidren and adults and also works as a film screenwriter and dramaturge. Since her first prosaic texts up until today she has focused on different ways of communication within the family and among peers. This narrative prism manifests itself in varying narrative angles and perspectives of different protagonists being presented and experienced in diverse situations and through speech. Interpersonal relations are presented both through the perspective of the child and the adult. The real word is consequently depicted as a whole through its detabuization and the narratives usually employ an open ending. Svatava Urbanová Copyright © 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 27 2 82 96 10.5817/BL2024-2-6 Systematické pojetí překladu v rané české strukturálně funkcionalistické teorii : na příkladu Vojtěcha Jiráta (1938) a Viléma Mathesia (1942) Korpus textů o translatologických jevech, který publikovali autoři Pražské školy v letech 1926 až 1948, byl doposud jen málo studován; představuje nicméně významnou epizodu v dějinách teorie překladu ve 20. století a rozhodně si zaslouží větší vědeckou pozornost. V této studii nejprve analyzujeme teoretické základy, které pro studium funkcí překladu ve vývoji literárních systémů vytvořil Jan Mukařovský. Poté nastiňujeme translatologické koncepce ve dvou textech Vojtěcha Jiráta a Viléma Mathesia. Nakonec srovnáváme představy českých autorů s návrhy teorie manipulace André Lefevera. Cristian Cámara Outes Copyright © 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 27 2 97 113 10.5817/BL2024-2-7 Od divadelní veřejnosti k praxi demokracie : rozhovor s Meike Wagner Dalibor Dobiáš Maike Wagner Copyright © 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 27 2 117 126 10.5817/BL2024-2-8 Ohlédnutí za Hanou Bočkovou Zuzana Urválková Copyright © 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 27 2 129 130 10.5817/BL2024-2-9 O paměti, zapomnění a Daniele Hodrové Ondřej Sládek Copyright © 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 27 2 131 137 10.5817/BL2024-2-10 Slovenská literárna renesancia Tomáš Macalík Copyright © 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 27 2 141 145 10.5817/BL2024-2-11