Études romanes de Brno 2024-08-22T13:23:08+02:00 Études romanes de Brno Open Journal Systems Literary, linguistic and didactic migrations 2024-08-22T13:22:40+02:00 Petr Dytrt 2024-07-31T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright © Transitory and transversal theatre 2024-08-22T13:22:41+02:00 Nikol Martinková Burianová In contemporary theatre, we can witness an increasing number of plays dealing with the hidden face of immigration. This is especially the case for authors from sub-Saharan Africa whose plays are written in French. A new theatrical wave asserts itself with authors such as Léandre-Alain Baker, Kossi Efoui, Koulsy Lamko, Rodrigue Yao Norman or José Pliya who offer in their texts the metaphysical reflections on immigration and existential questions not only on the position of the immigrant in the "supermodern" world but also on that of the contemporary men. But what is the migratory experience? How to grasp the experience of individuals who migrate? The quest for oneself and the other is at the heart of African theatre in the last decade, perhaps it is its fundamental subject. The state of suspension as well as the theme of inarticulate experience characterize the framework of contemporary theatre in sub-Saharan Africa. Being a space of representation, the theatre is undoubtedly given as the privileged place of this interrogation of oneself where the transitory position contributes to creating a particular African dramaturgy. 2024-07-31T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright © Michel Houellebecq : return of the sincerity of the novelistic testimony and the 'new romanticism' 2024-08-22T13:22:44+02:00 Marianna Uherková This article examines the trend towards the new sincerity and authenticity of novelistic testimony and the controversial recourse to romanticism in the novels of contemporary French writer Michel Houellebecq (* 1956). In the selected novels Extension du domaine de la lutte (1994, translated as Whatever by Paul Hammond in 1998), La carte et le territoire (2010, translated as The Map and the Territory by Gavin Bowd in 2011), Sérotonine (2019, translated as Serotonin by Shaun Whiteside in 2019) and Anéantir (2022, English translation titled Annihilation to be released 19/09/2024), it explores how Houellebecqian prose maintains a critical dialogue with subversion and how the image of an empathizing author emerges in his work. It also examines how Houellebecq's position can be compared with those of the philosophers Václav Bělohradský and Zygmunt Bauman. Finally, it examines how the author's narrative aesthetics adequately reflects the contemporary human condition through the irony of the irony, the subversion of the subversion. The author thus transcribes a specifically Houellebecquian notion of the new romanticism as a means of rediscovering the sense of life of the contemporary man and his bearings in the world. 2024-07-31T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright © Exile in the works of Elzbieta 2024-08-22T13:22:46+02:00 Madeleine Biegel A child of the exodus and the war herself, the children's author Elzbieta, was shocked by the indifference with which the experiences of children in exile have long been treated. She has set out in her work to "revive the child's [...] way of thinking about the world" by revisiting as accurately as possible the intimate experience of the child she once was. The loss of all conscious memories of her early years and her culture of origin, the learning and forgetting of multiple languages in the course of exile, including her native language, the death of his father and the uprooting from his family, the shaky and sometimes abused construction of his identity, the mortal dangers of nostalgia, but also the relativization of values and open-mindedness, the importance of codes, oral tales and still images in her understanding of the world are all part of her background as a child in exile. She analyses it with finesse in L'Enfance de l'Art and La Nostalgie aborigène. Although exile is the main theme of only one album, the famous Petit Gris, there are many traces of it, sometimes veiled and implicit, throughout his work. 2024-07-31T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright © Migration of literary texts back to FFL classes : results and interpretation of quantitative research among FFL teachers in the Czech Republic 2024-08-22T13:22:48+02:00 Anna Luběnová Morales Many didacticians (cf. Naturel 1995; Cuq et Gruca 2005; Riquois 2019; Fiévet 2013; Defays et al. 2014; Godard 2015) are of the opinion that literary texts have the potential to develop not only linguistic, cultural, and aesthetic competences, but also intellectual competences of the learners thanks to the migration of imagination that is created by their reading experience. In French as a foreign language textbooks, which are primarily based on communicative competence, reading of literary texts have often been marginalized. This article reflects on the question of whether teachers of French as a foreign language at Czech eight-year grammar schools perceive literary texts as a tool for the development of socio-cultural contexts and for the overall improvement of the key skills of their learners. The present text proposes an interpretation of the results of the questionnaire that took place in March and April 2022, as well as a reflection on the role of reading literary texts in French as a foreign language classrooms from the perspective of teachers. 2024-07-31T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright © Mediation activities and strategies in teaching of French for specific purposes : results of a pilot research 2024-08-22T13:22:50+02:00 Daniela Veškrnová Why is the skill of language mediation important in the teaching of French for Specific Purposes (FSP) and more specifically in the teaching of legal French? Mediation, introduced into language teaching by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (2001) and then redefined and highlighted using the new descriptors in its Companion Volume (2018), is a language activity that is particularly present in the world of work. In the field of law, language mediation can contribute to a better understanding of local legal culture and its specific features. In the multilingual European context, instead of producing legal texts, students will need to understand them and be able to explain their content to potential clients or collaborators, convey the message the texts contain, and identify the points that legal cultures have in common. The aim of this study is to show the results of the pilot research carried out on a small sample of teachers in spring 2022. Using comprehensive interviews, it seeks to highlight FSP teachers' approaches to mediation activities and strategies. The initial results of this pilot research show that FSP teachers in universities are aware of the importance of mediation skills and are looking for ways to develop activities suitable for practicing language mediation, how to incorporate them in their classes, and therefore how to develop and practice language mediation strategies in their courses. 2024-07-31T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright © The diatopic journey of the word wesh, impact and evolution in the French language 2024-08-22T13:22:51+02:00 Laurent Canal This study analyzes the integration of the Arabic dialectal loan wesh into the French language and the language habits of the French. Through the suburban language commonly defined as "slang" and hip hop culture, particularly rap, this borrowing has undergone several important semantic shifts and numerous graphic variants. The various definitions of this term in the Petit Robert 2023 (paper version) and the Wiktionnaire (online), as well as statistical research in Internet corpora, reveal evolutions, linguistic variations and trends generated essentially by sociolinguistic functions. 2024-07-31T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright © Semantic roles of legal concepts 2024-08-22T13:22:53+02:00 Kateřina Hodková In this article, we present the semantic roles applied to legal concepts. As we are limited by the content of corpora which were established for the purpose of this research, we create our own set of semantic roles which is adapted to our data. We then proceed to analyse three groups of concepts whose nature is different: the first of the groups concerns concepts-persons, the second one concepts-things, and the third one concepts-legal institutions. We examine the semantic roles identified by each group, the distribution and the frequency of the roles, and other phenomena. We work with the same thematic domain of Czech and French law thanks to which it is possible to compare the results in a contrastive way. 2024-07-31T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright © Migration of loanwords in French legal terminology : a lexicographical perspective 2024-08-22T13:22:54+02:00 Veronika Jodlová Most French legal terms are well-known to derive from Latin terms. However, French legal terminology has also incorporated terms originating from other languages, such as Greek, Italian, and English. In our research, which is mainly lexicographical, we examine the techniques employed for processing etymological information in three French monolingual legal dictionaries. Our focus is on loanwords that allow us to trace the migration of legal terms across languages. For our research, which is carried out from a diachronic perspective, we have selected three monolingual French legal dictionaries published from the 19th to the 21st century. Our study unveils a discernible development in lexicographical entries, encompassing the techniques for processing etymological information and the arrangement of individual entries in the dictionaries under examination. 2024-07-31T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright © Migration of the term "neologism" between two scientific disciplines : neologism in linguistics and medicine 2024-08-22T13:22:56+02:00 Michal Varchol The term neologism was formed in linguistics a few centuries before it was given the definition we use today. During the evolution of the term in linguistics, another discipline, medicine, adopted the concept and thus began to use it to refer to words created by patients in the advanced stages of a particular neurodegenerative disease (schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, etc.). The article examines when and how the term passed from one discipline to another and seeks to find out why medicine uses this particular term. 2024-07-31T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright © Self-description of forgetfulness disorders by people having Alzheimer's disease 2024-08-22T13:22:57+02:00 Kristýna Vítková As life expectancy increases, evidence of various intercurrent diseases is becoming increasingly important. The memory problems associated with Alzheimer's disease and how sufferers describe them during their appointment with the neurologist appear to be an important tool for diagnosis and for assessing the quality of life of people affected by this neurodegenerative disease. The auto-description of forgetfulness disorders and its comparison with the actual assessment of each patient provides an excellent opportunity for the doctor to assess the level of cognitive deficit accurately and give the possibility for selecting the correct treatment. 2024-07-31T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright © The "new biography" in Spain between 1920 and 1930 : publishing houses, journalism and portraitures 2024-08-22T13:22:59+02:00 Antonio Martínez Illán Álvaro Pérez Álvarez This article studies the phenomenon of the publication of biographies in Spain through publishing houses and the press between 1920 and 1930. To do this, it uses a methodology that combines the history of publishers' catalogs, the analysis of journalistic genres, and the study of the relationship with artistic disciplines such as painting or photography. The main contribution is in approaching the emergence of the biographical in its various manifestations, with a vision of biography that links it with biographical genres in the press and with the tradition of Spanish portraiture. The originality resides in identifying the relationships that the biography genre weaves with its discursive context. Specifically, with journalistic writing, with other portrait genres, as well as with the introduction of photography in graphic magazines and with the pictorial portrait of that time. The results reveal how the new biography was introduced into Spanish culture. It also shows how the journalism of the time adapted the biographical contents and how a transversal relationship was generated with the portraitists of the Generation of '27. 2024-07-31T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright © 2024 Antonio Martínez Illán, Álvaro Pérez Álvarez The unexpected in Juan Ramón Jiménez 2024-08-22T13:23:01+02:00 Laia Olivé Although Juan Ramón Jiménez is well-known especially due to his lyrical poetry, he is the author of numerous prose texts, among which many of them are narrative. Both forms frequently include unusual elements related to what the poet calls "the invisible reality", which seeps into the "visible reality" producing a strangeness in the ones who perceive these events. These occurrences set Jiménez's work closer to the literature of the unexpected and its different manifestations: the fantastic, the strange and what we name the mysterious, which is present in poetry. Departing from a theoretical exposition, this article shows how the unexpected appears in some texts by Juan Ramón. 2024-07-31T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright © Morphological construction patterns of surnames in Portugal 2024-08-22T13:23:03+02:00 Graça Rio‑Torto The present text aims to describe the genolexical patterns most represented in the anthroponymic construction of surnames in Modern European Portuguese (PE), filling the gap in this domain of lexical formation. In this way, it becomes possible to complement the remarkable knowledge available about Portuguese surnames in the medieval period (Soledade 2012) and about the configuration of family names over time, whether in the history of the European Portuguese (Vasconcellos 1928, Monteiro 2008, Silvestre 2021) or in that of the Brazilian Portuguese (Rodrigues 2016; Simões Neto & Soledade, 2018). After a brief presentation of the theoretical-methodological framework that holds this research (section 1.), section 2 displays the configurational schemes in which Portuguese surnames are inserted and section 3. is devoted to their most salient themes. The morphological patterns of European Portuguese surname's construction, namely those involving derivation, composition, pluralization, and (de)patronymic suffixation, are described in section 4. The conclusions are presented in the final section. The analysis of empirical data (collected in, a specific database accessible online), still documented in the XX Century, reveals that there is no dissociation between the genolexical patterns of surname construction and those of the common language, in derivation as well as in composition. The most recruited affix resources are those that best codify the thematic-conceptual motivations that govern the construction of surnames, namely in the domain of suffix evaluation or in that of "relation" suffixes. 2024-07-31T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright © To feel, to think and to say : the human con(tra)di(c)tion in Alberto Caeiro 2024-08-22T13:23:05+02:00 Liu Yun Not without contradiction, the poetry of Alberto Caeiro, of Greco-Pagan aesthetics, which defends the sensitive world as the only reality and insists on the use of the five senses as the only possible way of acquiring knowledge, can only be better understood when read against the backdrop of a Christian worldview. Based on a reading of the Christian myth of the Fall of man, the article analyses the fundamental contradictions of Caeiro's poetic project, categorically contesting his "bucolic naivety". Through reflections on human self-consciousness and the naturalness or artificiality of "(not) to think", together with a look at the ontology of language, we argue that, according to Caeiro, the human condition is essentially a contradiction, and that the apology of the "sensations" in his poetry does not stem from a naïve hedonism, but can be considered an alternative way to rescue man from the prosaic world, restoring him to an Edenic vision. 2024-07-31T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright © A bilingual's balance between communicative intention and use of strategies in simultaneous interpreting : a case study 2024-08-22T13:23:06+02:00 Tao Chen Lili Han Vânia Rego Jiajia Sui The present work aims to provide a real perspective on a bilingual's balance between communicative intention and adoption of strategies in simultaneous interpreting. Two methodological methods are adopted by analyzing the SI corpus: quantitative, in which metalinguistic aspects of the performance are examined, and qualitative, which focuses on the shifts of the interpreting product. It is concluded that: i) there are indeed communicative "strategy" that a bilingual interpreter without academic training resorts to to ensure the quality and fluidity of simultaneous interpreting, however, these intentions do not present a sufficient reasoning nor do they reveal a systematic pattern, therefore they would be designated as "intuitive strategies" of a bilingual; ii) a bilingual privileges the communicative role of interpretation to ensure the transmission of messages, instead of seeking to follow their pre-established strategies. 2024-07-31T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright © [Alonso Alonso, Rosa. Factores individuales en el aprendizaje de segundas lenguas] 2024-08-22T13:23:07+02:00 María del Carmen Méndez Santos 2024-07-31T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright © [Pego, Armando. Poética del monasterio] 2024-08-22T13:23:07+02:00 Juan Antonio Sánchez 2024-07-31T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright © [Chovancová, Katarína; Mešková, Ľudmila; Krafčíková, Simona. Lexicalisation des noms de marques en français et en slovaque] 2024-08-22T13:23:08+02:00 Jan Holeš 2024-07-31T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright © [Anonimo Padovano. L'entrée d'Espagne] 2024-08-22T13:23:08+02:00 Renato Gendre 2024-07-31T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright ©