Études romanes de Brno https://journals.phil.muni.cz/erb Masarykova univerzita en-US Études romanes de Brno 1803-7399 Light verb constructions and their verbal synthetic counterparts : a corpus-based study of present-day Catalan https://journals.phil.muni.cz/erb/article/view/40325 This article presents an empirical examination of Catalan light verb constructions (LVCs) based on corpus data from the Corpus textual informatitzat de la llengua catalana (CTILC). The main objective is to analyse the relationship between LVCs and their synthetic verbal counterpart (e.g. donar una resposta 'give an answer' – respondre 'to answer'). The corpus data confirm that the weight of the nominal is an essential variable for the possibilities of interchangeability between the analytic and synthetic expression, that is, LVCs with bare unmodified NVEs are more likely to be interchangeable with a synthetic verb. In terms of the degree of frequency of LVCs, the most frequent lemmas do not exhibit signs of lexicalization, but they are highly interchangeable. These findings reject the view that LVCs coexist with the synthetic verbs because there is no semantic correlation or the LVC has developed a specific lexicalized meaning. Georgina Alvarez-Morera Copyright © https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode.cs 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 45 4 6 27 10.5817/ERB2024-4-1 José Saramago's relationship with dictionaries https://journals.phil.muni.cz/erb/article/view/40326 José Saramago includes in his works a series of comments about the dictionaries that he consulted in his writing work whenever he had a doubt about a word or expression that he intended to use. Dictionaries function as lexicographic and semantic authorities. Expressions such as "the dictionaries affirm" (Ensaio sobre a Lucidez), "the dictionary says" (O Ano da Morte de Ricardo Reis; Manual de Pintura e Caligrafia), "the dictionary tells me" (Deste Mundo e do Outro), "it is in the dictionary" (Deste Mundo e do Outro), "they are found in dictionaries" (O Homem Duplicado), "According to the dictionaries" (A Bagagem do Viajante), "one day he went to see in the dictionary if the word existed" (A Jangada de Pedra), etc. prove this. In the children's story A Maior Flor do Mundo (2001), Saramago even recommends that children go to the dictionary: "Now some difficult words will start to appear, but anyone who doesn't know should go look in the dictionary or ask the teacher". The great news about dictionaries is that, unlike other writers, who use them without making it known in the text they write, Saramago openly says that he uses them and even discusses and comments on what he finds in them. The objective of this study will be to identify passages in Saramago's works with direct reference to dictionaries and to prove the author's interest in issues of lexicography and semantics of the Portuguese language. José Barbosa Machado Copyright © https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode.cs 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 45 4 28 45 10.5817/ERB2024-4-2 Counterexpectational but sentences in European Portuguese https://journals.phil.muni.cz/erb/article/view/40327 European Portuguese, French and English differ from languages as Spanish or German in that they only have one adversative conjunction. Cases like that of Portuguese are referred to in the literature as ambiguous because one conjunction conveys several values (Horn 2001), such as contrast, correction or denial of expectations. In this paper, we propose contrast as the basic value of mas ('but', in English) and will analyze its subvalue of denial of expectations, looking at how this reading is established in adversative sentences, what is meant by expectation, the pragmatic implicatures associated with these constructions and, finally, the syntactic structure that underlies them. Nádia Canceiro Copyright © https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode.cs 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 45 4 46 64 10.5817/ERB2024-4-3 An approach to user-centered translation quality assessment of machine translation output : the case of DeepL, Google Translate, and ChatGPT in Czech-to-Spanish translation outputs https://journals.phil.muni.cz/erb/article/view/40328 The widespread use of free Neural Machine Translation (NMT) systems requires a greater effort on the part of the scientific community to evaluate their quality. This article presents the state of the art and the results of a pilot analysis aimed at revealing the level of satisfaction of potential users of these translations in terms of three variables: fluency, grammar, and usability. To this end, an experiment was carried out in which twenty native Spanish annotators evaluated, using a Likert rating scale, the translations generated by human professionals and by the applications DeepL, Google Translate, and ChatGPT of three Czech texts of different types (one technical, one marketing and one literary). The results show that although human translations are the best rated, there is a high degree of user satisfaction with the translations generated by NMT systems specifically designed for this purpose (DeepL and Google Translate), especially in terms of fluency and usability. Enrique Gutiérrez Rubio Copyright © https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode.cs 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 45 4 65 86 10.5817/ERB2024-4-4 The coaching of the periphery : the working class as a monster in the society of spectacle https://journals.phil.muni.cz/erb/article/view/40329 This article analyzes the current state of weakening suffered by the class analysis and the hypothetical "death" of the working class, that is, it starts from a contextual framework in which the working-class is put in doubt (Olin Wright 2018). Along with the discourses of the social space, culture also intervenes and reproduces this state of confusion, weakening and stigmatization through products that shape the working-class referent in different ideological directions. Thus, the cultural territory of the new millennium intervenes in the battles for the meaning of the working class and wields two possibilities: the revitalization of the working class referent or the negation and invisibilization in favor of other structures of thought that do not use the social class as an axis. In this second variant, considered hegemonic in recent decades, a specific current emerges that uses "monstrification" (Jaume Peris Blanes 2019) to associate the working class with the abject values of the monsters of fiction. In this way, cultural logics relate the working class with characteristics of the monstrous and reinforce demonizing imaginaries that serve to project prejudices towards the working class social strata. We use, as a paradigm of how this works, a cinematographic proposal (Las colinas tienen ojos 2006) and observe how its logics of monstrification are reproduced in Spain through reality television programs (Hermano mayor 2009). We wonder, then, to what extent the tools used by American horror cinema can be translated into the most popular makeover shows of the last decade (Mercè Oliva 2013), those in which the abject working class is the object of representation. The article traces, in short, the forms that culture uses to intervene in the procedures of weakening the working class. Ángela Martínez Fernández Copyright © https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode.cs 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 45 4 87 104 10.5817/ERB2024-4-5 The old French through manuscript variation : the proposal of the new EXOMARE textual base https://journals.phil.muni.cz/erb/article/view/40330 This paper intends to illustrate the criteria that presided over the establishment of a new textual base dedicated to the Old French: the EXOMARE base. The project focuses on a limited segment of language use: the works belonging exclusively to the literary dimension of writing, with a focus on the roman. As a first case study the base will dedicate specific attention to the sub-genre of Romans antiques, between 1150 and 1250, since it is in their texts that the expression mettre en romanz is established in its double value of linguistic translation, from Latin to the vernacular, and formal translation, from the sources to the octosyllable. The element that should characterize the EXOMARE base compared to other existing ones is first of all the choice to build the textual corpus in a homogeneous way with respect to the textual typology, distinguishing between literary textuality and documentary textuality (excluded); and secondly, the proposal to create "Works corpora", that is, to use, for each work the transcription of all the manuscripts of its tradition, in order to follow the linguistic variation of the same lexical set, that of the text of the work, through its various witnesses. Marta Materni Copyright © https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode.cs 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 45 4 105 127 10.5817/ERB2024-4-6 Preposition omission before indirect questions in contemporary standard European Portuguese https://journals.phil.muni.cz/erb/article/view/40331 This paper discusses the use of argumental prepositions, mainly de 'of' and sobre 'about', before subordinate interrogative clauses, used as complements, examining the tendency – discussed in the literature – to suppress them. Three different types of interrogatives will be considered: yes-no questions, wh-questions headed by an interrogative morpheme, and wh-questions headed by a preposition. These constructions represent an unstable area in the (neutral or formal) written registers of contemporary European Portuguese, with no universal consensus among speakers as to the full acceptance of some combinations. Starting with discussions in the literature, the issue will be reassessed with corpus data (mainly) from Portuguese newspaper texts. The analysis considers predominantly stylistic issues, since there seems to be no strict ungrammaticality in any of the major combinations surveyed, although some are infrequently used (and perhaps actively avoided) in the mentioned written registers, while being very frequent in more informal oral registers. Telmo Móia Copyright © https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode.cs 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 45 4 128 151 10.5817/ERB2024-4-7 Irony in young speakers : oral versus written discourse https://journals.phil.muni.cz/erb/article/view/40332 Irony is a pragmatic phenomenon in which the sender expresses a dissociative attitude regarding the truthfulness of the content of the message itself, considering it false, ridiculous, or inappropriate in the context in which it appears. Therefore, it's a broad subject and its relevance is justified. Studies on this topic about Spanish are framed within the research by the Griale group. Additionally, although there are approaches such as those by Reus Boyd-Swan (2017), focused on ironic manifestations in written texts, or those by Ruiz Gurillo (2009), focused on irony in conversation, there is no evidence of investigations that compare both genres. Consequently, this article aims to analyze whether it is possible to find similar uses or if, on the contrary, speakers adapt irony to the medium in which they produce it. Similarly, this study will focus on a specific chronolect, young people. Claudia Revilla Gutiérrez Copyright © https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode.cs 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 45 4 152 172 10.5817/ERB2024-4-8 Oral corpus of Spanish migrants residing in the city of Seville (Corpus.migra.sev) : construction, encoding, and exploration https://journals.phil.muni.cz/erb/article/view/40333 Corpus.migra.sev is a computerized corpus consisting of semi-directed interviews, based on a conversational script, conducted with Peruvian, Colombian, Nicaraguan, and Ecuadorian speakers residing in the city of Seville. These interviews were recorded between the years 2020 and 2023. The primary objective behind the design and creation of this corpus is to collect and encode representative oral samples from the various Spanish-speaking communities present in Seville This effort is in line with other corpora currently collected, such as CORDIESIN (Dynamic Corpus of Spanish Immigration) in the Madrid community. The materials gathered through Corpus.migra.sev will enable researchers to obtain insights into the linguistic characteristics of Spanish spoken by migrants, as well as their accommodation and sociolinguistic integration. Furthermore, it will facilitate the conduct of contrastive studies between the Spanish of native speakers and/or the migrant community residing in Spain. In this paper, various aspects related to the design and construction of the corpus are discussed, including its encoding, as well as the diverse possibilities for exploiting this database. Doina Repede Copyright © https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode.cs 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 45 4 173 191 10.5817/ERB2024-4-9 Capitalist logics in food discourse : health, positivism, and productivity https://journals.phil.muni.cz/erb/article/view/40334 Capitalism is focused on production and the free market. As a result, optimizing time has become one of the anchors for tyrannical productivity. To keep the production rate and receive both a psychological and an economic reward –linked to the so-called happycracy – taking care of nutrition has become a key factor in keeping this lifestyle. Social networks and our hyper-connected world have contributed to the spread of these time-efficient practices as well as supposedly healthy diets. This public exhibition has been coined "productivity porn" by Janira Planes (@janiraplanes). The logics underlying these practices are grounded on neoliberalism, in which human beings are objectified and image cultivation is essential – mainly linked to eternally young and non-overweight looks and maximum work performance. This work presents the results obtained by analyzing the DAME Corpus (Discourse of Nutrition in the media, University of Vigo). Particularly, our research goals are as follows: (i) observe whether Spanish written press conveys ideas on productivity, health, and positivity when talking about nutrition; (ii) detect the discursive strategies used to express these constructs through these media; (iii) reflect on how these ideas are adopted by their audiences. To do this, critical discourse analysis techniques have been applied to analyze the corpus. Moreover, the data obtained in a survey with 208 participants have been included to learn about public opinion. The results identify the discursive resources the Spanish written press uses to link productivity porn and happycracy with food discourse. Furthermore, a reflection on the dangers these ideas imply for both physical and mental health is presented. These discursive strategies have been identified as perpetuation strategies for the capitalist ideology. Susana Rodríguez Barcia Ana Varela Suárez Copyright © https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode.cs 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 45 4 192 213 10.5817/ERB2024-4-10 The dance lexicon in the two Dictionaries of authorities : a study of the sources of authority and new additions https://journals.phil.muni.cz/erb/article/view/40335 In this article we study the voices of dance collected in the first edition of the Diccionario de autoridades (1726-1739), in the first volume published for the second edition (1770), and in the manuscript catalogs for the following volumes, whose digitized edition is available on the website of the Real Academia Española. We are interested in the sources of the authorities used by the scholars in both repertories, as well as the addition of new words present in the unpublished documents for the 18th century and not included in the first edition. Both the first lexicographical attestations of these voices and their first textual manifestations will allow us to establish with greater accuracy their lexicographical route and to know which words from the dance lexicon are in the DLE (2014) thanks to the sources studied in both repertoires. Engracia Rubio Perea Copyright © https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode.cs 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 45 4 214 236 10.5817/ERB2024-4-11 [Dworkin, Steven Norman; Clavería Nadal, Gloria; Octavio de Toledo, Álvaro S.; Lacorte, Manel; Muñoz-Basols, Javier (Eds.). Lingüística histórica del español: The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Historical Linguistics] https://journals.phil.muni.cz/erb/article/view/40336 Beatriz Gómez-Pablos Copyright © https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode.cs 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 45 4 238 241 10.5817/ERB2024-4-12 [Moreno-Fernández, Francisco; Caravedo, Rocío (Eds.). Dialectología hispánica: the Routledge handbook of Spanish dialectology] https://journals.phil.muni.cz/erb/article/view/40337 Beatriz Gómez-Pablos Copyright © https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode.cs 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 45 4 242 245 10.5817/ERB2024-4-13 [Ramírez Luengo, José Luis; García Aranda, María Ángeles (Eds.). Construyendo la lengua de hoy: nuevos estudios sobre el español del siglo XIX] https://journals.phil.muni.cz/erb/article/view/40338 Ivo Buzek Copyright © https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode.cs 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 45 4 246 249 10.5817/ERB2024-4-14 [Bonvino, Elisabetta; Garbarino, Sandra. Intercomprensione] https://journals.phil.muni.cz/erb/article/view/40339 Gonzalo Llamedo-Pandiella Copyright © https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode.cs 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 45 4 250 253 10.5817/ERB2024-4-15 [Méndez Santos, Maria del Carmen. La desmotivación en el aula de lenguas adicionales: investigación, teoría y práctica] https://journals.phil.muni.cz/erb/article/view/40340 Paula Barriendo Cebrián Copyright © https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode.cs 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 45 4 254 256 10.5817/ERB2024-4-16 [Chávez Fajardo, Soledad. Elementos de lexicografía hispanoamericana fundacional: acerca del Diccionario de chilenismos y otras voces y locuciones viciosas de Manuel Antonio Román (1901–1918)] https://journals.phil.muni.cz/erb/article/view/40341 Gabriel Vásquez Copyright © https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode.cs 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 45 4 257 261 10.5817/ERB2024-4-17 [Mbembe, Achille. Kritika černého rozumu (Critique de la raison négre)] https://journals.phil.muni.cz/erb/article/view/40342 Eva Batličková Copyright © https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode.cs 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 45 4 262 266 10.5817/ERB2024-4-18 [Oliveira, Raquel Trentin; Seeger, Gisele. A personagem na narrativa literária] https://journals.phil.muni.cz/erb/article/view/40343 José Vieira Copyright © https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode.cs 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 45 4 267 269 10.5817/ERB2024-4-19 [Quaderni montaliani 1 (2021), 2 (2022), 3 (2023)] https://journals.phil.muni.cz/erb/article/view/40344 Renato Gendre Copyright © https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode.cs 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 45 4 270 271 10.5817/ERB2024-4-20