Dekadentní esejista Arthur Breisky v recepci některých současníků
The paper is devoted to Arthur Breisky (1885–1910), the prematurely departed Czech Decadent writer. His collection of essays The Triumph of Evil (1910) belongs to remarkable books of Czech fin-de-siècle literature. The author of the paper traces the reception of the book by some of Breisky's contemporaries, namely, by Arne Novák, Miloš Marten and Karel Hugo Hilar. In their favourable reviews the latter two critics take Breisky as a typical Decadent writer who expresses the idea of transition. Arne Novák regarded Breisky as an epigon. K. H. Hilar, in the later version of his essay about Breisky, emphasized the connection between Breisky and new trends in art of the 20th century which came after Symbolism and Decadence.