Skladanie diferencií, alebo, Hudba medzi


Music plays extremely important role in the writings of French thinkers Jacques Attali, Roland Barthes and Gilles Deleuze with Félix Guattari. Focusing on the concepts of music, noise, silence, rhythm, refrain, language, code, and meaning, the paper titled "Composing the Differences or Music In Between" deals with the contributions of mentioned thinkers to the discourse of aesthetics and semiotics of music, revealing mutual correspondences, apparent as well as hidden, between their original ways of thinking and current ways of structuring of music, represented here by music of David Shea. It was inspired by recurrent reading of the books listed at the end of the paper.


Barthes, Roland (1991): The Responsibility of Forms. Critical Essays on Music, Art, and Representation. University of California Press, Berkeley/Los Angeles. Anglický preklad: Richard Howard.

Barthes, Roland (1995): Roland Barthes by Roland Barthes. Papermac, Londýn. Anglický preklad: Richard Howard.

Barthes, Roland (2005): The Neutral. Lecture Course at the Collège de France (1977–1978). Columbia University Press, New York. Anglický preklad: Rosalind E. Kraussová.

Deleuze, Gilles – Guattari Félix (2001): Co je filosofie? Oikoymenh, Praha. Český preklad: Miroslav Petříček.

Deleuze, Gilles (1994): Difference and Repetition. Columbia University Press, New York. Anglický preklad: Paul Patton.

Deleuze, Gilles – Guattari, Félix (2004): A Thousand Plateaus. Continuum, Londýn/New York. Anglický preklad: Brain Massumi.





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