Populární hudba a jazz v české poválečné hudební publicistice


This treatise tries to analyse the changes of perception of the sphere of popular music and jazz. These changes took place in relation to the development of Czech society and politics after 1948. The analyse uses selected published exemples from the music press in the specified period of time. The remarkable phenomenon to observe is the development of frequently used terms that are characteristic of the period, especially the gradual evolutionary fluctuation of views, attitudes and opinions expressed by these terms. After the changes in society in 1948 when the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia took power, the problematics of popular music and jazz became a special matter of interest from the side of music media. First of all, there was the opinion, a right one by the way, that the given sphere touches huge masses of population and people can easily be influenced by it, thus the importance of popular music and jazz for the power and ideology in the light of their possible propaganda use. Further on, there was a negative feeling towards the "Western" or even "American" provenance of most of the production of successful modern popular music, so this production was soon heavily criticised and became one of the typical features in depiction of the vivid portrayal of the enemy. Last but not least, it was considered a topical task in this musical sphere to apply the ideologized aesthetic normative standards of "universal socialist" validity.


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