Genius loci: Bild – Stimmung – Erinnerung : die Klavierkompositionen Leoš Janáčeks im europäischen Kontext


The genius loci apparent at Janáček in the first decade of the 20th century in three works for solo piano Po zarostlém chodníčku (On an Overgrown Path), two movements of Sonáta 1. X. 1905 and in V mlhách (In The Mists) is based on three aspects: the biographical influences (Moravia as a home, the city of Brno, political events), the music-historical phenomena (development and transformation of compositional structures in the 19th century) and the short analysis (technique of motif processing and variation) and semantics of the piano works. The Title V mlhách becomes here the key, the natural phenomenon becomes the symbol of a creative block.

Klíčová slova:
biography; Brno; change in composition structures during the 19th century; creative block; piano works; political events; semantical analysis; technique of motif processing and variation


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