Orte von Musikveranstaltungen bei Klattauer Seminaristen im 18. Jh. – ein Beitrag zu Raumaspekten der Musikinterpretierung bei den Jesuiten


Jesuit college and the St. Joseph seminary in Klatovy held a not very numerous ensemble of musicians in the 17th and 18th centuries. Based on the extant sources, it is possible to reconstruct the journeys of the ensemble in the region. They indicate that thanks to Jesuit contacts in the region, these musicians performed beside the order church and order complex at many venues distant approx. 5–7 kms from the town. Most of them were sacred spaces in local manor centres of high and low nobilities or the sites below the Jesuit administration. Considerable difference in the dimensions of these spaces (200–23,500 m3) placed significant demands on the musical skills of music alumni and contributed to their large interpretive flexibility. Precisely this ability caused next to the undeniable technical maturity of Jesuit musicians their considerable popularity in the region.

Klíčová slova:
liturgical music; jesuits; Klatovy; spaces for musical performances; musical regional science; acoustic properties of musical spaces; musical interpretation


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