Mýtus české hudební emigrace z pohledu Dlabačova slovníku


The term of "Czech musical emigration" was subject to studies of numerous scholars during the history of the Czech musicology, regardless the anachronism of such an appellation. Gottfried Johann Dlabacž and his major work, Allgemeines historisches künstler-Lexikon für Böhmen und zum Theil auch für Mähren und Schlesien, (Prag 1815), represents the principal source of information about musicians living or coming from the Czech lands, especially during the 17and 18th centuth ries. The uniqueness of such a compendium of information led also to its use as a material for study of the "Czech musical emigration", comprising statistic studies based on it. Nevertheless, a detailed analysis of Dlabacz's dictionary regarding migrating musicians in the 18century reveals numerth ous questions. How did Dlabacz collect information? What can we conclude from such an analysis regarding migrating musicians? How relevant is the quantitative aspect of particular destinations? Is Dlabacz's dictionary statistically relevant at all? Detailed analysing the network of Dlabacz's collaborators and correspondents helps to better understand the amount of articles in the dictionary in relation to musicians from the Czech lands working in different European destinations. Dlabacz's work was considerably influenced by the access to sources and information on musicians. This was even more difficult when concerning musicians working abroad. It is thus evident that any statistic analysis of this rich information source needs a contextualisation and merely represents an analysis of the dictionary in relation to the migration of musicians than reflects the real situation in the field. Even if a quantitative analysis of the Dlabacz's dictionary remains problematic, we can find there much important information. A survey of biographies and careers of migrating musicians thus permit us to set up their typology.

Klíčová slova:
Czech musical emigration; migration of musicians in the 18th century; lexicography of music; G. J. Dlabacz


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