Muzio Clementis didaktische Werke: die Klavierschule Op. 42 und der Gradus ad Parnassum Op. 44


This study focuses on two pedagogical works by Muzio Clementi: the Introduction to the Art of Playing on the Pianoforte Op. 42 (1801), addressed to beginners, and the Gradus ad Parnassum Op. 44 (1817–1826), addressed to advanced students. Utilizing Clementi's biography as a point of departure, this study reports that he contributed to innovations in piano pedagogy and improvements in piano-building, and highlights his ability to create a virtuous circle between his careers as a concert performer, a pedagogue, and a piano producer. Thanks to his multifaceted professional expertise, he became one of the most renowned musicians and entrepreneurs in London and gained celebrity and success all over Europe. Clementi's works are analyzed from a piano-pedagogy point of view, stressing the links between them and other works by the same composer, aimed at being performed in piano recitals, above all the Piano Sonatas. Clementi's pedagogical works are also compared with the ones by some pedagogues of the 18th and 19th centuries: Marpurg, C. Ph. E. Bach, Bemetzrieder, Fenaroli, Türk, Vierling, Dussek and Pleyel, Adam, Pollini, de Montgeroult, Hummel, Kalkbrenner, and Czerny. A specific sub-section focuses on the everlasting success of Clementi's works, which are still included in Conservatory syllabi, performed in recitals, and included in CDs: this shows that they continue to contribute to the development of a widespread "pianistic culture" among the audience.

Klíčová slova:
Clementi; Introduction to the Art of Playing on the Pianoforte Op. 42; Gradus ad Parnassum Op. 44; piano pedagogy; 18th and 19th centuries; Kalkbrenner; Czerny


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