Listening to art on a seabed
water element aesthetics; new media art; sounding images; chamber music; Vampyroteuthis infernalis
ASCOTT, Roy. Superconnectivity in Deep Dataspace. In European Media Art Festival (catalogue), Osnabrück: 1988, p. 334–336. Available online: <> [Accessed: February 18, 2017].
BACHELARD, Gaston. Water and Dreams. An Essay on the Imagination of Matter. Dallas: The Pegasus Foundation, 1983.
BERNARDO, Gustavo. FlusserBrasil [online]. 2014. Available online: <>. [Accessed: February 18, 2017].
BOZZI, Paola. Vampyroteuthis Infernalis. In Siegfried Zielinski – Peter Weibel – Daniel Irrgang et al: Flusseriana. An Intellectual Toolbox. Univocal, 2015.
BRUNS, Alex. Blogs, Wikipedia, Second Life, and Beyond: From Production to Produsage. New York: Peter Lang, 2008.
DARLEY, Andrew. Visual Digital Culture: Surface Play and Spectacle in New Media Genres. London and New York: Routledge, 2000.
European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück, September 1–11, 1988. Catalogue, available online: <> [Accessed: February 22, 2017].
FLUSSER, Vilém. Die Krise der Linearität. Kunstmuseum Bern, 1988.
FLUSSER, Vilém: On Writing, complexity, and the technical revolution. Interview in Osnabrück, European Media Art Festival, September 1988. Available online (published 13. 1. 2011): <>, [Accessed: February 22, 2017].
FLUSSER, Vilém. Bodenlos. Eine philosophische Autobiographie. Bensheim and Düsseldorf: Bollmann, 1992.
FLUSSER, Vilém. Kommunikologie, Schriften 4, ed. Vera Eckstein and Stefan Bollmann. Mannheim: Bollmann, 1996.
FLUSSER, Vilém. Into the Universe of Technical Images. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2011.
FLUSSER, Vilém; BEC, Louis. Vampyroteuthis Infernalis. A Treatise, with a Report by the Institut Scientifique de Recherche Paranaturaliste. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2012.
FLUSSER, Vilém. Our shrinking. In Siegfried Zielinski (ed.), Post-History. Univocal 2013, p. 79.
FLUSSER, Vilém. Towards a General Theory of Gestures. In: Gestures. University of Minnesota Press, 2014.
HORÁKOVÁ, Jana. The Gestures That Software Culture Is Made Of. In MAP – Media / Archive / Performance, Leipzig, Germany: Hochschule für Musik und Theater "Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy", 2016, No. 7, p. 1–18. Available online: <> [Accessed: February 22, 2017].
HIGGINS, Dick. Synesthesia and Intersenses: Intermedia. 1965. Originally published in Something Else Newsletter 1, No. 1 (Something Else Press, 1966). Also published as a chapter in Dick Higgins, Horizons, the Poetics and Theory of the Intermedia (Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois Univ. Press, 1984). Available online: <> [Accessed: February 22, 2017].
CHUN, Wendy Hui Kyong. Programmed Visions. Software and Memory. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT, 2011.
LESCHKE, Rainer. Einführung in die Medientheorie. München: 2003.
LISTER, Martin et al. New Media. A Critical Introduction. London and New York: Routledge, 2003.
MANOVICH, Lev. The Language of New Media. Cambridge Mass.: MIT, 2001.
OLIVER, Anne-Marie. Art. In Siegfried Zielinski – Peter Weibel – Daniel Irrgang et al: Flusseriana. An Intellectual Toolbox. Univocal, 2015, p. 58–60.
SIMON Jr., John: Every Icon. 1996. Available online: <> [Accessed: February 22, 2017].
ZIELINKSI, Siegfried. Vilém Flusser: A brief introduction to his media philosophy. Vilém Flusser's view on art. MECAD online seminar. Cologne, September 2004. Available online: <> [Accessed: February 22, 2017].