Listening to art on a seabed


The paper addresses Vilém Flusser's media philosophy, with a focus on his concept of new media art. Since Flusser never wrote a clear definition of new media art, his view must be deduced from remarks spread across his writings. The deduction is based on the assumption that Flusser's notion of new media art can be set up within the frame of Gaston Bachelard's water element aesthetics. In the paper, metaphors associated with water and with dreams are used to establish links among such different terms within Flusser's vocabulary as "sounding images and visible sound" (computed and projected models of collected data), "chamber music" (a metaphor for the endless collective creativity shared within the digital media pool), and "Vampyroteuthis infernalis" (a fantastic creature living in the hostile environment of the oceanic abyss). The aim is to introduce Flusser as an author of an original and visionary aesthetic and of the poetics of new media art.

Klíčová slova:
water element aesthetics; new media art; sounding images; chamber music; Vampyroteuthis infernalis


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