Několik poznámek k problematice modelace apoteózních finálních struktur v mahlerovských a sibeliovských symfonických juveniliích


The present article focuses on the problems of rendering apotheotic profiling in the juvenile symphonic opuses of Gustav Mahler and Jean Sibelius, while reflecting the variability of musical means of expression. Both final sentences of the first symphonies of the reflected composers represent a fresco of extraordinary diversity in the use of musical means of expression. We can further notice the abundant application of musical rhetorical figures. The philosophical depth and extraordinary compositional mastery continues to fill the structure of the two sections. The masterfully elaborate work with the theme or the originality of the compositional expression further fills the essence of the musical expression of immediacy and the deep psychological effect.

Klíčová slova:
Gustav Mahler; Jean Sibelius; analysis; symphony


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