Johann Heinrich Schmelzer's serenata for the celebrations of Maria Antonia Habsburg's birthday


Several political and social incidents notably marked the latter part of 1670es within the Habsburg monarchy. The most tragic was perhaps epidemy of the worst plague of modern times. The epidemy affected Vienna in 1679 and spread quickly throughout other countries. However, for the Czech countries there was a brief period, which was relatively and culturally favourable. Owing to the epidemy, the whole imperial court moved to Prague, which for several months became the seat of the Emperor. Emperor's and Empress Dowager's musicians moved to Prague with the court as well. In Prague these bands performed several secular and ecclesiastic dramatico-musical works including the first comic opera in Czech lands – La Patienza di Socrate con due mogli by Antonio Draghi. On 18 January 1680 the serenata Die sieben Alter stimmen zusammen by Johann Heinrich Schmelzer and Johann Albrecht Ruedolph was performed for the occasion of Archduchess Maria Antonia’s birthday. Although it does not represent an extensive work and its storyline is not based on a complicated dramatical plot, the composition is remarkable for its unusual subject, and for the libretto in German. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to examine this composition and its performance, and also to update some findings from previous literature.

Klíčová slova:
Johann Heinrich Schmelzer; Maria Antonia Habsburg; Leopold I; imperial court; Prague Castle; Kroměříž; festive serenatas


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