Neu besorgte Musikalien für die Stadtpfarrkirche St. Jakob in Brünn zwischen den Jahren 1763 und 1781


The music inventory from 1763 is one of the most important sources of sacred music in Brno related to the parish church St. James. The paper focuses on the methodological aspects as well as on the heuristic problems of working with this source. This is shown in the example of the records, which were registered between 1763 and 1781. In this time was Peregrin Gravani the chapel;master and he should buy and register all new music sheets in the inventory. Furthermore, the results of the concordance of the entries and the St. James music collection, as well as with the database RISM are presented.

Klíčová slova:
church music; figural music; music inventories; inventory 1763; supplements; parish church of St. James; Brno


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