Italian music in the inventories of Nitra from the 18th and early 19th centuries


The town of Nitra has long been an important historical town and an important episcopal residence. Remarkable music inventories were preserved from the 18th century and the early 19th century, although sheet music was preserved only to a smaller extent. From the monastic background, only the Inventarium Chori Nitriensis scholarum Piarum 1749 is preserved. Another centre of the cultural as well as musical life in Nitra was the seat of the bishop, the Nitra Castle, where other significant inventories of sheet music can be found from 1802 and 1814, which are among the largest inventories from this period in the territory of today's Slovakia. These sources are stored in the Diocesan Archive in Nitra and contain registries of music from the 18th and 19th centuries. The study presents the specificities of the records from these inventories, the method of their registration, and their transformation, with an emphasis on the presence of Italian music in them.

Klíčová slova:
Nitra; music inventories; Diocesan Archive in Nitra; Italian music


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