Jan Fryček in the inventories of the Premonstratensian Monastery in Nová Říše


The study focuses on the inventories of the musical collection of Premonstratensian Monastery in Nová Říše (Neureisch). The aim is to present the inventories stored in Moravské zemské muzeum (Moravian Land Museum) and Moravský zemský archiv (Moravian Land Archive) and mainly those inventories found directly in Nová Říše. The inventory could serve not only as an overview of the specific items stored in the collection at the specific time, but due to its nature, many inventories, in the course of time, served as the sorting materials and therefore allow us to understand the system and structure of a given collection even further. From the presented inventories the study chooses two of those stored in Nová Říše because unlike the rest of the inventories, these provide the most information of the evolution of the collection. The pencil-written notes give a significant amount of details about the missing compositions or wrong authorship of specific musical pieces. Although the studied inventories provide a lot of interesting data, it is only a tip of an iceberg and thus further research should be applied to all the other inventories of the musical collection.

Klíčová slova:
Nová Říše; musical collection; inventory; Jan Fryček; Mainhard Schuberth; Josef Kallina; Jan Mach; Telč


CZ-Bm: Sign. A17.715. Jan Fryček – Divertimento ex F

CZ-Bm: Sign. A17.812. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Ouverture from Don Juan

CZ-Bm: Sign. A17.859. Antonio Salieri – Armida

CZ-Bm: Sign. A17.968. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Don Giovanni

CZ-Bm: Sign. A17.969. Pietro Alessandro Guglielmi – La pastorella nobile

CZ-Bm: Sign. A17.970. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Le nozze di Figaro

CZ-Bm: Sign. A17.971. Antonio Salieri – La Grotta di Trofonio

CZ-Bm: Sign. A17.972. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Die Zauberflöte

CZ-Bm: Sign. A17.999. Jan Fryček – Pange lingua in C

CZ-Bm: Sign. A18.033. Jan Fryček – Aria, pro Omni festo

CZ-Bm: Sign. A18.031. Jan Fryček – Aria in C

CZ-Bm: Sign. A18.079. Jan Fryček – Offertorium in F. Pro omni Tempore

CZ-Bm: Sign. A18.086. Jan Fryček – Offertorium in A. Pro omni Tempore

CZ-Bm: Sign. A18.091. Jan Fryček – Offertorium in D#. De Nativitate Domini

CZ-Bm: Sign. A18.095. Jan Fryček – Offertorium in C. Pro festo S. S. Trinita

CZ-Bm: Sign. A18.102. Jan Fryček – Aria Ex G#. De Nomine Jesu

CZ-Bm: Sign. A18.103. Jan Fryček – Aria ex B. Pro Festo Virginis

CZ-Bm: Sign. A18.111. Jan Fryček – Graduale

CZ-Bm: Sign. A18.163. Jan Fryček – Missa Pastoralis in D#

CZ-Bm: Sign. A18.173. Jan Fryček – Missa Pastoralis et Offertorium

CZ-Bm: Sign. A18.198. Jan Fryček – Reqviem ex F

CZ-Bm: Sign. A18.207. Jan Fryček – Litaniae Lauretanae Ex C

CZ-Bm: Sign. A18.216. Jan Fryček – Stationes Pro Festo S. S. Corporis Christi

CZ-Bm: Sign. A18.217. Jan Fryček – Modulus de Sacratissimo Corpore D. N. Jesu Christi

CZ-Bm: Sign. A18.218. Jan Fryček – Stationes Pro Festo S. S. Corporis Christi

CZ-Bm: Sign. A18.226. Jan Fryček – Ecce! quomodo justus moritur

CZ-Bm: Sign. A18.258. Jan Fryček – Parthia ex B

CZ-Bm: Sign. A18.260. Jan Fryček – Synphonia ex D

CZ-Bm: Sign. A18.262. Jan Fryček – Synphonia

CZ-Bm: Sign. A18.269. Jan Fryček – Rorate ex C

CZ-Bm: Sign. A18.272. Jan Fryček – Rorate

CZ-Bm: Sign. A18.273. Jan Fryček – Rorate ex G

CZ-Bm: Sign. A18.286. Jan Fryček – Veni Sancte Spiritus

CZ-Bm: Sign. A18.289. Jan Fryček – Litanie Lauretane in C

CZ-Bm: Sign. A18.290. Jan Fryček – Offertorium Ex D#. Pro omni Tempore

CZ-Bm: 85.233/G 2.158, 85.234/G 2.159, 85.235/G 2.160, G 26. Inventories

CZ-Bsa: E 58, k. 252, f. 11–19. Inventories

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