Václav Jan Tomášeks Liederästhetik unter Berücksichtigung der Frage des Stils


This article aims to reflect the numerous and versatile song production by Václav Jan Tomášek (1774–1850) through the prism of its aesthetic and style aspects. Although Tomášek was interested in philosophy and aesthetic of fine arts, especially music, his views and ideas do not constitute a comprehensive system. Tomášek's songs mirrored influences of style of the Second Berlin as well as the Swabian and Wiennese Lieder School. There are commonalities between Tomášek's and Goethe's aesthetic and artistic concept of Lied. The significant and specific role in Tomášek's compositional language in this genre combines Classical structural features and more progressive elements (aperiodical melodic idioms, romantic colouring in harmony). Tomášek payd considerable attention to adequate musical setting of his chosen poems.

Klíčová slova:
Václav Jan Tomášek; the nineteenth-century Lied; the aesthetic of Lied; poetry; Second Berlin School; Swabian Lieder School; Viennese Lieder School


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