Zpracování pověsti o Libuši v italské barokní opeře


The study deals with four Italian operas created in the Baroque period on the theme of the legend of Libuše and Přemysl. The first of these was La Libussa (libretto by Flaminio Parisetti, music by Clemente Monari, Wolfenbüttel 1692), reprised in Prague c. 1702 in the musical setting of Bartolomeo Bernardi. The next was Primislao primo re di Boemia (libretto by Giulio Cesare Corradi, music by Tomaso Albinoni, Venice 1697). Last was the pasticcio Praga nascente da Libussa, e Primislao (libretto by Antonio Denzio), performed in Prague 1734. The study discusses the historical circumstances of the creation of these operas, selected issues of libretto analysis, and a hypothetical identification of their music. The appendices contain selected excerpts from both Prague librettos.

Klíčová slova:
Libuše; Přemysl; legend; Baroque opera; libretto; pasticcio; Flaminio Parisetti; Giulio Cesare Corradi; Antonio Denzio


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