Uplatnitelnost na trhu práce v oblasti klasické hudby : Koresponduje vzdělávání v ČR v oboru s pracovním trhem?


The study revisits and interprets the basic available information concerning the relationship between art education and the labour market in classical music in the Czech Republic in the context of the European Union (EU). It adds the results of a survey of conservatory graduates and their most frequent employers of orchestras and elementary art schools within the research plan of the Arts Institute. Graduates were asked about further professional orientation in two rounds in 2019 and 2021. The survey of the most frequent employers in 2019 covered the period of three last years. A questionnaire asked about the number of hired employees in three categories 1) up to 25 years of conservatory graduates, 2) up to 30 years of university graduates, 3) over 30 years, the state of supply and demand, scale and verbalized evaluation of the level of readiness of adepts in the theoretical, practical-artistic, socio-psychological and organizational. The questionnaire also included an evaluation of the types of motivation of adepts to choose an employer (permanent position, interesting work, salary, team work). The survey proved the high importance of the Basic Art School's network for employment (the basis of social security) of artists in the Czech Republic and the relative decline in graduates' interest in places in orchestras. At the end of the study, the trend of the labour market is recapitulated with the expected demands on future artists and employers as well as the relatively low readiness of graduates for independent artistic work.

Klíčová slova:
employment; classical music; education; conservatories; art universities; basic art schools; orchestras; necessary competencies


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