Models of dialogue opera in the Polish theater at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries : Józef Elsner's works for Wojciech Bogusławski's stage


The article accounts for the most important trends in Józef Elsner's Polish operatic output from the years 1797–1814, as considered within the conceptual framework of dialogue opera research. The existing literature frames the "dialogue opera problem" primarily as an opposition of the French and North-German aesthetics – characterized by the awareness of problematic nature of juxtaposing singing with speech – and the South-German attitude that adhered to the Italian-inspired autonomy of music. While the Polish's theater belonging to this latter circle seems evident, deviation from this basic attitude comes rather from impulses of non-operatic genres and the aesthetic of the spoken theater. The most unique phenomena arose from conservatively classicist and literary rather than musical attitude prevalent among the most influential circles of the Warsaw cultural elite.

Klíčová slova:
opera; Polish opera; dialogue opera; Józef Elsner; Wojciech Bogusławski; Franciszek Wężyk


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