"... přesto bych se nikdy nerozhodl pro libreto, které by mne přímo nerozpálilo." : spletitá cesta Pavla Haase k libretu Šarlatána


Pavel Haas' only opera Šarlatán (The Charlatan), composed in 1934-1937, is the composer's most extensive work and in many ways the culmination of his interwar output. The creation of The Charlatan was preceded by a series of plans and unfinished opera attempts, but these mostly failed in negotiations with the authors of the subjects. These included Stanislav Lom's play Kající Venuše (Penitent Venus), Karel Čapek's Loupežník (The Robber) and Salomon Anski's Dybbuk. In 1932 Haas also negotiated about a libretto for an opera with the poet Vítězslav Nezval. Sometime around this time, probably during the summer months of 1933, Pavel Haas got his hands on a novel by the German writer Josef Winckler, Doctor Eisenbart, which he decided to adapt as an opera. The newly discovered correspondence of Pavel Haas from 1933–1934, addressed to Josef Winckler, helps to reveal the reasons that complicated the negotiations between the artists. Due to the political situation in Hitler's Germany, the negotiations did not reach a final agreement, so Pavel Haas, who himself had adapted the libretto from the novel, had to conceal the name of the author of the novel's subject during the premiere production in Brno in April 1938.

Klíčová slova:
Pavel Haas; Josef Winckler; Šarlatán; The Charlatan; opera; Doctor Eisenbart


Department of the History of Music of the Moravian Museum in Brno, Pavel Haas estate.

The Museum of Czech Literature Literary Archive, Vítězslav Nezval estate.

Archive of the Nyland Foundation in Ahlen, Josef Winckler estate.

Archive of the National Museum in Prague, Robert Smetana estate.

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DELSEIT, Wolfgang, ed. a MENNE, Franz Rudolf, ed. Josef Winckler: 1881–1966: Leben und Werk: Arbeitsbuch zur Ausstellung. Köln: Nyland-Stiftung, 1991.

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KRULICHOVÁ, Marie, ed., VINAŘOVÁ, Milena, ed. a TOMEK, Lubomír, ed. Depeše z konce tisíciletí: korespondence Vítězslava Nezvala. Praha: Československý spisovatel, 1981, s. 303.

LOSEN, Michael. Pavel Haas: die Rezeption seiner Werke bis zum Aufführungsverbot 1939. Master's thesis. Wien: Universität Wien, Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, 2006.

MITRYCHOVÁ, Linda. Pavel Haas: Šarlatán: Kapitoly ke genezi a recepci díla. Bachelor's thesis. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, Filozofická fakulta, 2008.

PEDUZZI, Lubomír. Haasův Šarlatán. Opus musicum 17, 1986, č. 10, s. 293–300.

PEDUZZI, Lubomír. Pavel Haas: Život a dílo skladatele. Brno: Muzejní a vlastivědná společnost, 1993.

PIVODA, Ondřej. Nedokončené operní náčrty a neuskutečněné operní plány Pavla Haase. Opus musicum: hudební revue 50, 2018, č. 6, s. 64–80.

PIVODA, Ondřej – SPURNÝ, Lubomír. Pavel Haas. A Catalogue of the Music and Writings. Praha: Bärenreiter, 2022.

Tempo: list pro hudební kulturu 17, 16. 4. 1938, č. 12, s. 131.

WINCKLER, Josef. Des verwegenen Chirurgus weltberühmbt Wunder-Doktor Johann Andreas Eisenbart Zahnbrechers, Bänkelsängers, Okulisten, Steinschneiders Tugenden und Laster auf Reisen und Jahrmärkten, mancherley bewährteste Artzneyen in Not und Tod smabt vielen Orakeln, Mirakeln, Spektakeln, insonderheit auch philosophische, politische, moralische, mythische Tractata und sehr bedeutsame Mitteilungen zahlloser erschröcklicher und lustiger Begebenheiten. Berlin: Deutsche Buch-Gemeinschaft, 1933.



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