Inventáře hudební sbírky v Blížkovicích na Moravě z 18. a 19. století a jejich srovnání se současným stavem pramenů


The musical collection from St. Bartholomew's Church in Moravian Blížkovice is a set of compositions enabling us to better understand the musical culture of a small city in eighteenth century. The highly interesting aspects of the collection are a large number of compositions with Czech lyrics and the structure of the collection itself, including vocally-instrumental compositions, a large number of concertos, sinfonias and partitas. The dating of the scores vary from the beginning of the eighteenth century to the half of the nineteenth century. The owners of the compositions were in most of the cases local cantors – Severin Josef Weiser, Antonín Ignác Jan Krimer, Antonín Sigisbert Krimer and Gustav Erben. The three included transcripts of inventories are helping to increase an insight into the completeness of the collection by mentioning the unpreserved compositions and thus exposing a nearly complete image of the contemporary local musical production.

Klíčová slova:
Moravia; Blížkovice; music collection; inventory; church music; cantilena; aria; Marian antiphons; Krimer; Weiser; Erben


Oddělení dějin hudby Moravského zemského muzea (ODH MZM), Inventář, signatura G 28a, provenience Blížkovice.

ODH MZM, Inventář, signatura G 28b, provenience Blížkovice.

ODH MZM, Inventář, signatura G 28c, provenience Blížkovice.

Moravský zemské archiv (MZA) Brno, E 67, sign. 13415, s. 203.

MZA Brno, E 67, sign. 10660, s. 162.

MZA Brno, E 67, sign. 10660, s. 358.

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