Neograeca Bohemica in DOAJ
Neograeca Bohemica on 31 July 2024 has been accepted for inclusion in DOAJ, a unique and extensive index of open access journals from around the world with more than 20,882 indexed journals.
Neograeca Bohemica is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that publishes original and review papers studying Late Byzantium and Modern Greece in a period ranging from 1204 A.D. up to these days. Thematically, it encompasses all fields of Late Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, including Greek linguistics, literature and Greek history.
Neograeca Bohemica in DOAJ
Neograeca Bohemica on 31 July 2024 has been accepted for inclusion in DOAJ, a unique and extensive index of open access journals from around the world with more than 20,882 indexed journals.
Neograeca Bohemica in ERIH PLUS
We are pleased to announce that the journal Neograeca Bohemica has been approved for inclusion in ERIH PLUS...