Heuristic analysis of portal Knihovny.cz



Purpose – The aim of the research was to evaluate the usability of Knihovny.cz portal and to identify potential reserves in the user interface design. It was also necessary to assess their impact on the user experience with the practical use of the portal.

Design/methodology/approach – The paper describes methods and results of user testing of the portal using heuristic analysis. This analysis was realized after the first year of the portal launching and was created on the basis of ten heuristic usability rules set by Jacob Nielsen. These heuristics have been already successfully used to test a similar website. Subsequently, they were slightly modified for the specifics of the portal. The testing was carried out by four evaluators (library catalog specialists), who did not have a prior experience with Knihovny.cz portal.

Results – The results of the analysis confirmed that the portal complies with the main criteria of a usable site, but also revealed some weaknesses and errors. In conclusion, the paper presents proposals to remove these errors.

Originality/value – Researching the usability of Knihovny.cz using heuristic analysis has shown that this method is an appropriate tool for testing the user-friendliness of discovery systems and other similar search engines. For the development team, research results are a valuable resource in finding additional ways for the user to present a wide range of search engine features while maintaining acceptable ease of use.

discovery systems; heuristic analysis; web usability; user-friendliness; user interfaces; search portals

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