Jan Máchal and Frank Wollman : (on German-Slavic relationships in interwar comparative syntheses)


This paper deals with the comparison of two major comparative works in the field of the history of Slavic literature given by European and world Slavists by Czech scholars Jan Máchal and Frank Wollman after the establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic. The aspect that follows is a presentation of the German-Slavic literary and cultural relations. The monumental compendium Slavic Literatures I, II, III, published by Jan Máchal in 1922, 1925 and 1929, maps the development of individual Slavic literature in the light of European literary traditions. The focus is on the detailed characteristics of the sociolinguistic and literary situation, as well as some interrelationships between Slavonic literature. Frank Wollman in his synthetic work The Literature of the Slavs of 1928 seeks to the relationship between the main Slavic literature and the relations between the philosophical and aesthetic thought streams and the literary creation of the Slavic authors. The view of German and Austrian culture is – by Máchal to a large extent, less by Wollman – burdened by some stereotypes that resonated strongly in Czech society after the First World War.

literary comparisons; interwar Slavic studies; German-Slavic literary relations; interpersonal relations; international stereotypes; ideology of Czechoslovakism; Jan Máchal; Frank Wollman


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