A Case of Teacher and Student Mathematical Problem-Solving Behaviors from the Perspective of a Cognitive-Metacognitive Framework

Studia paedagogica: Better Learning through Argumentation

This study aims to investigate the problem-solving behaviors of a teacher and his students based on a cognitive– metacognitive framework. The problem-solving behaviors of 6–8th-grade students and a mathematics teacher were recorded and encoded during task-based interview sessions about solving problems, and semi-structured interviews were used to obtain information regarding the mathematics teacher's perceptions of mathematical problem-solving processes. They solved the problems in a learning environment, and their problem-solving processes were investigated using the think-aloud method. The results indicated that the students and the teacher followed a similar path involving reading, understanding, exploring, planning, and implementing. Furthermore, not all episodes occurred in each problem-solving task and the behaviors that represented given episodes changed according to the participants. Students with different problem-solving skill levels were found to exhibit different frequencies of cognitive and metacognitive behaviors while solving problems. The problemsolving behaviors of the teacher and the students revealed information related to metacognitive behaviors that are to be developed in further studies.

Klíčová slova:
metacognitive behaviors; cognitive behaviors; mathematics education; problem-solving

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