Test Anxiety Among Czech Pupils in Lower-Secondary Education
Studia paedagogica: Mistakes in Teaching and Learning
Test anxiety remains a compelling focus of contemporary research. This attention may be, in part, due to the continued reliance on high-stakes testing, which plays a pivotal role in students' academic trajectories. Our research had several objectives. Given the lack of research on test anxiety in the Czech Republic, our primary aim was to adapt and validate the Children's Test Anxiety Scale (CTAS) on a sample of 740 lower-secondary students (ages 13-15). The results demonstrated adequate construct validity, supporting the three-factor model of the CTAS. Moreover, we investigated the relationship between test anxiety, academic self-concept, and educational outcomes alongside other demographic variables. Our findings revealed a strong negative correlation linking students' academic self-concept and test anxiety. Although no direct correlation emerged between test anxiety and educational outcomes, a linear regression indicated a significant shift: educational outcomes (grades) became significant predictors when considered in conjunction with academic selfconcept. Additionally, our study confirmed a significant impact of gender on test anxiety levels (girls exhibited higher test anxiety than boys) and a modest but significant correlation with parental educational background.
test anxiety; examination anxiety; fear of failure; academic self-concept; school well-being; educational outcomes
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