Studia paedagogica <p><em>Studia paedagogica</em> jsou recenzovaným vědeckým časopisem a přinášejí původní příspěvky týkající se vzdělávání, výchovy a učení ve všech sférách života společnosti. Jde především o studie empirického charakteru. Klademe důraz na původnost a originalitu publikovaných výzkumů, přičemž vytváříme prostor jak pro etablované odborníky, tak pro začínající autory v počátečních fázích akademické dráhy, jimž je určena možnost publikovat v sekci Začínající výzkumníci. </p> <p>Časopis vydává tři čísla ročně. Dvě čísla jsou monotematická v anglickém jazyce (viz <a href="">Call for Papers</a>) a jedno číslo je polytematické v českém nebo slovenském jazyce.</p> <p><em>Studia paedagogica</em> jsou indexována v databázi SCOPUS, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">CiteScore 2023: 1.0</a></p> cs-CZ (doc. PhDr. Petr Hlaďo, Ph.D.) (Ivo Rozmahel) Čt, 13 úno 2025 00:00:00 +0100 OJS 60 Learning Outcomes in Schools: Policies and Practices <p>&nbsp; &nbsp;</p> Martin Sedláček, Paulína Koršňáková, Jana Straková Copyright © 2025 Studia paedagogica Čt, 13 úno 2025 00:00:00 +0100 Achievement in the Light of Aspects of Student Well-Being and Teacher Attitudes: The Case of Slovenia <p>Although many countries experienced negative trends in the 2022 cycle of PISA results, results for Slovenia showed an alarmingly negative trend in mathematics, reading, and science achievement on PISA literacy scales, and at the same time a decline in several aspects of student well-being. According to research evidence on the relatedness of knowledge and well-being, some studies have already confirmed student well-being as an important predictor of academic achievement. In the study, we focus on the differences in relationships between knowledge and aspects of student and teacher well-being in various secondary education programs. The survey results show that students and teachers in technical and vocational education programs report lower levels of some aspects of well-being, and that in explaining achievement in mathematics, reading and science, the most significant predictors across all education programs proved to be the quality of student-teacher relationships. The results suggest that by empowering teachers we can foster learning environments that support students from different backgrounds and as such enhance more positive student outcomes.</p> Barbara Japelj Pavešić, Klaudija Šterman Ivančič, Gašper Cankar Copyright © 2025 Studia paedagogica Čt, 13 úno 2025 00:00:00 +0100 If They Talk More During Lessons, Will They Achieve Better? Unlocking the Reciprocal Relationship Between Student Verbal Participation and Achievement <p>This study investigates the relationship between student verbal participation and achievement in sixth-grade language arts. We conducted an intervention in six classes to enhance and equalize student talk while reducing individual disparities in participation. The design of the study involved measuring talk time and administering reading literacy tests before and after the intervention, with similar measurements in six control classrooms. The results indicated increased and more evenly distributed verbal participation in the intervention classrooms than in the control classrooms. However, no significant differences in student achievement were observed between the two groups. A path analysis examined the link between participation and achievement, confirming that verbal participation is a predictor of student success. The study suggests that the impact of increased verbal participation on achievement might be more pronounced over the long term, necessitating further research with delayed post-measurements to fully understand this relationship.</p> Martin Sedláček, Klára Šeďová, Roman Švaříček, Zuzana Šalamounová Copyright © 2025 Studia paedagogica Čt, 13 úno 2025 00:00:00 +0100 From Policy to Practice: Monitoring SDG Targets with PIRLS 2021 Austrian Data <p>This study uses the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2021 data to test quality education targets related to primary education achievement, early childhood, skills for work, equity, the learning environment, and teachers' highest levels of qualification. Using Austrian data as a specific case, a regression analysis was performed on items from the student, home, and teacher questionnaires with overall reading literacy achievement as the outcome variable. Results show a drop in Austrian primary education reading literacy achievement between PIRLS 2016 and PIRLS 2021. Targets of early childhood, skills for work, equity, and a safe and effective learning environment are statistically significantly related to reading achievement. Boys trail girls in reading achievement, and higher teacher qualifications do not translate into significantly better reading results. The study's focus on targets with evidence from PIRLS raises two issues: the extent of the PIRLS contribution to measuring and monitoring SDG 4 targets and how PIRLS can help operationalize interconnected targets.</p> Surette Van Staden, Sunet Grobler Copyright © 2025 Studia paedagogica Čt, 13 úno 2025 00:00:00 +0100 Analyzing Student Performance in Connection with Learning Disorders and Extracurricular Activities in Foreign Language Classes <p>In our study, we investigate the academic performances of students with atypical developmental pathways (dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia) as compared to students without these disorders. Specifically, we consider how their performance is influenced by participation in classes with varying curricula and by their family background. To do this, we analyze data from the Hungarian National Competency Measurement 2019, tenth grade (83,751 students), of whom 1,515 students had one or more learning disorders (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia). The students were enrolled in the standard curriculum, in intensive foreign language learning experiences, or in an increased number of lessons. We conducted a secondary analysis of the SPSS by creating two- and three-dimensional ANOVA tables and cross-tabulation analysis. Family background is examined using a central complex variable created from several variables by the Hungarian Education Office. Our results show that learning disabled students enrolled in a foreign language class have higher competence performance scores in both reading comprehension and mathematics than learning disabled students enrolled in a standard curriculum class, but lower than those enrolled in a class with an increased number of lessons; the same pattern is seen in participation in extracurricular activities. It seems that higher-achieving students enroll in advanced level foreign language training, but participants in advanced level training in other subjects are able to achieve even higher results, which may be due to family background. Different learning disorders affect student performance, but overall, the order set up based on student performance in classes with different curricula is the same for students with typical and atypical development.</p> Roland Hegedűs, Krisztina Sebestyén Copyright © 2025 Studia paedagogica Čt, 13 úno 2025 00:00:00 +0100 Innovation in the Final Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes (Report Cards): The Process of Change and Its Impacts on School Practice <p>In this paper, we examine the development of a change process in implementing a new approach to the final assessment of student learning outcomes (report cards) in the Czech Republic. The study investigates the development and impacts of the implementation process in primary and lower secondary school. The qualitative research investigation, conducted through repeated interviews with 23 teachers and school leadership, showed that after a year and a half of working with the innovative report card, it had been accepted by teachers in primary school and had significantly influenced the culture of teaching and learning. There was a gradual transformation of the student assessment and self-assessment system and a more profound interconnection between formative and summative assessment. For now, lower secondary school teachers have rejected the innovative report card, although the culture of teaching and learning has been positively influenced.</p> Julie Grombířová, Jana Kratochvílová Copyright © 2025 Studia paedagogica Čt, 13 úno 2025 00:00:00 +0100