Ritualization in teaching of English to kindergarten children

Studia paedagogica


The paper points out opportunities for applying the theory of ritualization in teaching English as a part of preschool education. It builds on an empirical study conducted in a particular kindergarten where English is taught. During the observation period, several types of ritualization were identified in lessons of English. They included the roll call routine at the start of the lesson, a round greeting, the hands-up and sit-down routines opening the expository part of the lesson, which also included the repeat-after-me ritual and a cognitively oriented ritualization (“Here comes our busy bee...”). The class is lightened up by the stand-up ritual; reviewing is assisted by the open-your-book/close-your-book ritual; and the class concludes with a parting ritualization. The aim of the paper is to discuss the significance of routine and ritualization in foreign language teaching. Other authors (Richards, 1994) have pointed out the role of ritualization in teaching, emphasizing the importance of teaching foreign languages within a stable structure of organization and drawing on repeated activities.

keywords: ritualization, rituals, foreign language teaching, cognitive development, kindergarten





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