Institutionalization of Czech Andragogy and International Scientific Discourse

Studia paedagogica

Educational sciences are currently in various development stages, and it is not only within the Czech context where they have institutionalized and become a stable part of social sciences discourse from the pre-scientific stage. What has taken place in the case of andragogy in the diction of the institutionalization of a scientific discipline has been the definition of the discipline, its methods, and discipline-establishing institutions as well as the establishment of journals presenting research outcomes of the discipline. However, it is relevant for each scientific discipline to ask the question of how the state of the art in the national context relates to that in the international context. This paper poses the question of how the Czech andragogical discourse has penetrated the English-speaking expert community, in particular English written andragogical discourse. To find the answer, the paper relies on an analysis of texts in record-organizing databases of English written scientific publications (EBSCO, ERIC, WOS) based on selected keywords.

educational sciences; andragogy; adult education; institutionalization; character of a text; text analysis

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