Castle theatres of Liechtenstein family in the Czech region : a final study of one-year-research project


The study contributes to discovering the so far less researched field of the Baroque theatre in the Czech lands - castle theatres. It summarizes a one-year-research in archives in the Czech Republic and Austria, which was undertaken under the Rector's program for support of students' creative activities in the academic year 2008/2009. Based on acquired archival materials - most of which come from the years 1790-1805, thus from the peak period of the Liechteinstein castle theatres, when there was a permanent stage with regular running in Valtice - an overview of development and function of the Liechteinstein castle theatres, especially in two of their residencies in South Moravia - in Valtice and Lednice, was created. The major emphasis is also laid on the repertory of the castle theatre in Valtice, reflecting period taste of the nobility, and on personalities of the period theatre life, which were also inseparably associated with the running of Liechtenstein castle theatres.


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