The Less Ballets Russes' Art Nouveau repertory as the basis of the visual transformation of the stage

Vol.20,No.2, Supplementum(2017)

The study portrays the initial stage in the forming of the dramaturgical profile of impresario S. P. Diaghilev's company, Les Ballets Russes, which in the world context contributed unequivocally to the emancipation of Art Nouveau style in the art of theatre. Special attention is paid to the parallels between scenography and dramaturgy. The author defines three basic thematic lines of development in the company's repertory: firstly, historical retrospection of classical European themes; secondly, exoticism of cultures distanced by time and space; and thirdly, transcriptions of Russian folklore from Art Nouveau towards early avant-garde principles, which provided the base for the way Art Nouveau forms were interpreted. A list of the company's Art Nouveau repertory from 1909 to 1912 complements the text. A short pictorial appendix is provided to document the study's respective theses.


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