Publication ethics

Authors’ responsibilities

1) The authors are obliged to accept the results of peer review process and modify their texts as recommended by the reviewers. In disputable cases they can appeal to editors of the journal with particular well-founded objections or retract the paper from further editorial processing respectively.

2) The collective of authors should only comprise those members, who have significantly contributed to overall concept, form or layout of the study presented.  If other persons have participated in some crucial aspects of the research project, they also should be mentioned in the text.

3) The authors are responsible for originality and authenticity of their papers.

4) The authors are responsible for proper citation of works by other authors, which were of crucial importance to the study presented or had a significant impact on its content. In doing this, they have to observe the valid citation rules of the journal Museologica Brunensia (see Instructions for authors).

4) Neither the whole text of the paper nor its substantial part can be submitted by the authors for publication to editorial offices of other journals or to editors of non-periodicals. Also unethical is parallel submission of the same text to another journal.

5) The authors are obliged to mention in the text all financial or any other significant conflicts of interests, which can influence the results and conclusions of the study presented. All sources of financial support to the research must be published in the paper.

6) If an author additionally finds a serious mistake or inaccuracy in the already published text, he/she must immediately inform the editor or publisher of the journal and subsequently cooperate with them on retracting the paper or publishing a notification on subsequent correction of the paper.

Reviewers‘ responsibilities

1) The aim of the peer review process is to help the Editorial Board to decide whether or not to publish a paper. The communication with author and reviewer can help to improve the quality of the original manuscript submitted.

2) The reviewer, who does not feel competent to assess the paper submitted or who is aware of being unable to make the review by the agreed date, is obliged to notify of this fact the editor, who will immediately address other appropriate candidates.

3) The reviews have to be objective, without personal bias towards the author.

4) The reviewers must not misuse data and information stated in the article under review for personal or other benefits. They should treat the text as confidential. The content of the peer-reviewed manuscript must not be revealed to other persons and the reviewer even must not consult it with other persons without previous consent of the editor.

5) The reviewers are obliged to point out relevant publications which are not cited by the author. They also must notify the editor of any significant similarity between the text under review and other information sources.

6) The reviewers are obliged to reject the assessment of a paper for reasons of possible conflict of interests due to competitive, professional or personal relationships to individuals, organisations and institutions associated with the paper submitted or with previous cooperation on the given research project.

Responsibilities of editors and Editorial Board

1) All papers published in the journal Museologica Brunensia undergo primary assessment by the Editorial Office of the journal, which provides the subsequent double-blind review process carried out by at least two reviewers.

2) Editorial Office evaluates the manuscript according to its thematic and formal content, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnical origin, citizenship or political attitudes of the author.

3) Members of the Editorial Office must not give information on the manuscript submitted to any person other than the author, reviewers or potential reviewers, other editorial advisers or publisher of the journal.

4) The Editorial Board decides which paper will be accepted/rejected and sets the order in which the successfully peer reviewed papers will be published in the journal. The publication of texts in sections Methodical and Informational Texts, Personal Portraits, Book Reviews, Museum Review and Museological Reports, which are not subject to peer review process, is in full competence of the Editorial Office. The Editorial Office observes the policy of the Editorial Board of the journal and acts in compliance with valid legal regulations concerning slander, copyright infringement and plagiarism. Editorial Office can consult their decision with reviewers.

5) The editor must not use unpublished materials for the purpose of his/her own research without written consent of the authors. Protected information or know-how acquired during the peer review process have to be treated as confidential and must not be used for personal gain. The editor’s responsibility is that editorial decisions will in no way be influenced by incomes from commercial activities.

6) The Editorial Office ensures a fair and adequate peer review process. The editor is obliged to reject participation in assessment of manuscripts or is obliged to ask some other editor or member of the Editorial Board to make the review or assessment, if a conflict of interest might occur due to competitive relationships, relationships based on cooperation or other authorial and institutional connections. Should the editor find out any conflict of interest after publication of a text, he/she must publish relevant corrections or take some other action such as, for example, publish a notification of retraction of the paper or of possible mistake included.

Responsibilities of the publisher

1) In cooperation with authors, the journal Museologica Brunensia guarantees that the roles of publisher and editors are clearly defined to ensure the autonomy of editorial decisions without being influenced by advertisers or other partners from the commercial sphere.

2) We protect intellectual property, copyrights, brands, authors and publishing partners of the journal Museologica Brunensia by presenting and saving the final published version of each paper. The journal Museologica Brunensia guarantees integrity and transparency of individual published articles with regard to conflict of interests, publication and research funding, publication and research ethics, cases of publication and research misconduct, confidentiality of information, authorship, corrections, explanation and retraction of papers, and timely publication of the content.

3) In case of alleged or proved research misconduct, fraudulent publishing or plagiarism, the publisher in narrow cooperation with the authors will take any actions inevitable for elucidation of the situation and correction of the article concerned. This process includes immediate publishing of notifications of correction or, in the most serious cases, retraction of the paper concerned.