Ritornel jako symbol labyrintického tance v Ariadně Bohuslava Martinů


Martinů was one of the foremost composers in the 20th century whose work finds inspiration in the mythology of Antiquity. The composer – like Stravinsky, Picasso, Dürrenmatt, etc. – created commentary to ancient model from the present point of view. The opera Ariadne is his most important work in this area. Martinů described the Ariadne as a "light comedy". This designation is in accord with the neoclassicist form inspired, e.g. by Monteverdi's Orfeo. On the other hand, this model of baroque and classicist opera is permeated with Surrealist influences. The main ritornello plays an important role in the opera. Its dance character has its roots in Dionysian cult which is connected with the cult of Ariadne. From this point of view, it can be understood as the symbol of labyrinthic wandering.


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