About the Journal

e-ISSN: 1212-9097

Aims and scope

Electronic journal of philosophy Pro-Fil is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes articles addressing a whole range of philosophical topics as well as contributions from natural sciences focusing on philosophically relevant issues. We welcome original papers, reviews, polemics, interviews, abstracts, announcements, audio and video recordings of lectures as well as instructional and educational materials in Czech, Slovak, English, and German.

Pro-Fil is indexed in Scopus, ERIH PLUS, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, JournalSeek, The Philosopher's Index, Crossref, DOAJ, PhilPapers

Publishing schedule

The journal is published semiannually. The first issue is published on June 30, the second on December 30 of each year. The deadline for submissions to the first issue is April 15, the deadline for the second issue is October 15. Book reviews and other contributions that are not subject to the double-blinded peer-review process may be submitted at any time.

Review process and quality control

All original papers go through a standard double-blinded peer-review process. After the submission in the online submission system, the manuscript is pre-reviewed by the editor-in-chief, who assesses its formal aspects and conformity with the aims and scope of the journal. If the manuscript meets these criteria, it is presented to two anonymous reviewers who assess its scientific quality and soundness of its claims and conclusions. The first round of reviews does not usually take more than 8 weeks. If the two reviews differ significantly, the editor-in-chief may consult a third independent reviewer. In that case the review process lengthens. The final decision about acceptance is solely within the competence of the editor-in-chief. The decision takes into account the following criteria:

Submissions that significantly fail in meeting one or more of these criteria will be rejected or the authors will be asked to revise them.
Other texts (book reviews, annotations, polemics, etc.) go through a simpler review process, usually conducted by a member of the editorial board.
Pro-Fil publishers strongly oppose the practice of plagiarism. To prevent the publication of a plagiarized text, we check all submitted manuscripts using anti-plagiarism software developed by Masaryk University.


Pro-Fil does not charge authors for submitting or publishing their manuscripts, nor do authors receive any payment for publishing in the journal.
Authors retain the copyright for all the materials published in the journal.

License terms

By submitting a work (hereinafter referred to as the “Work”) to the Pro-Fil (http://www.phil.muni.cz/journals/profil) (hereinafter referred to as the “Journal”) for the consideration for publication, the author grants the Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as “MUNI”) a license to the Work, under the following conditions:

1. Author’s Statements

1.1 The author declares that the Work is free of copyright or other legal defects, it was neither published anywhere else, nor simultaneously offered for publication, except for the platforms of standard scientific pre-submission communications (e.g. SSRN, ResearchGate, Academia).

1.2 The author declares that he/she is the real author or the joint author of the Work and his/her freedom to grant the license is not limited or excluded, and the author is entitled to dispose of the Work, because especially, but not limited to:

  1. the Work is not an Employee work where the employee would not be entitled to exercise the rights to the Work,
  2. using of the Work within the scope of the granted license is not limited by the conditions of provided grant or other financial support (e.g. GAČR - Czech Science Foundation, TAČR - Technology Agency of the Czech Republic),
  3. using of the Work within the scope of the granted license is not limited by the third parties’ rights (e.g. copyright, the right to the protection of personal data),
  4. the Work is not the work of joint authors, where the other joint authors would not agree to grant the license.

1.3 In the case that the Work is the work of joint authors, the author declares that all the joint authors have been informed of these License Terms and that he/she is authorized to grant MUNI the license under these License Terms on behalf of the joint authors.

1.4 The author agrees that if the Work is accepted for publication, the proposal to conclude a license agreement for the Work will be on his/her behalf aimed at an indefinite number of persons, while the content of the agreement will be determined by reference to the publicly available license conditions Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 International (available from: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/); such proposal will not be done for the works or the elements (e.g. image or photographic documentation) used by the author in the Work under a contractual license with a third party.

1.5 If any of the author’s statements prove to be untrue, the author is aware that he/she is liable for the resulting damage, including the costs associated with any litigation and damage caused by a violation of the Journal’s and/or MUNI’s reputation.

2. License Grant

2.1 The author grants MUNI gratuitous non-exclusive license to use the Work in all the known manners of use (especially, but not limited to, reproduction, distribution and communication to public), individually, in the collection or together with any other works or elements unlimited as regards to amount and form and media of expression (including electronic).

2.2 The license is granted as territorially and quantitatively unlimited.

2.3 The license is granted royalty-free.

2.4 The license is granted for the duration of economic rights to the Work.

2.5 MUNI shall be entitled to grant an authorisation forming part of the license to the third party or parties, in whole or in part under a sublicense agreement, with or without remuneration.

2.6 By granting the license, the author agrees with including the Work into the scientific and bibliographical databases (eg. EBSCO, CEEOL) as well as information systems for providing the informational services, where the Journal is currently indexed as well as those, where it will be indexed pro futuro.

2.7 MUNI shall be not obliged to make use of the license.

3. Further Use of Work

3.1 Given granted the non-exclusive license to the Work, the author shall be entitled to further use the Work. For the purpose of such further use of the Work, the author shall be obliged to state the Journal as the source of publication of the Work.

3.2 In the case of disclosure of the Work on the platforms of standard scientific pre-submission communications within the meaning of Art. 1.1, the author shall be obliged to additionally state the Journal as the source of publication of the Work, without undue delay.

3.3 The reputation of MUNI and/or Journal shall not be negatively affected by the further use of the Work.

4. Varia

4.1 Legal relations based on the license shall be governed by the laws of the Czech Republic; any disputes arising out of the license shall be settled by the courts of the Czech Republic.

4.2 If the Work is rejected for publication in the Journal, the license shall be, at the moment of the decision of rejection, restricted in such a way that it shall cover use of Work only in the necessary extent within related editorial activities (e.g. review and archiving).

Open access policy

This journal adheres the Open Access policy and publishes contributions in "Libre Open Access" mode under the terms of the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license (full text available at: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/legalcode (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International).

1. Information about CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International

CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International are publicly available licensing terms that define the conditions under which a work may be used. These conditions must be respected - non-compliance therewith results in infringement of copyright. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International grant users certain rights and sets them certain obligations.

CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International authorize the user to "share" the work, i.e. copy, distribute and communicate to the public online. At the same time, the work can be included in a collection (e.g. a journal, conference proceedings).

CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International oblige the user to indicate the origin of the work (i.e. title, author, source and reference to the licensing terms) and not to use the work commercially and not to adapt part or the whole work. Therefore, the work or its part must not be merged with another protected subject-matter of protection (creatively modified, edited, also new creative works may be created based upon the original underlying work). Any person, other than the rightholder, must not use the works available under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International for commecial purposes, as the sharing of the work must not generate any financial gain.

CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International does not limit statutory licenses, especially the quotation one, in particular. Citing parts of the work made available under these licensing terms does not give rise to an obligation to make the work in which the quotation was used to license it under the same licensing terms.

CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International apply exclusively to the licensed work. It is possible that certain parts of the content are used under legal licenses or contractual licenses with third parties. These parts may not be used under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International.

CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International does not exclude copyright protection, claims arising from it or the realization of the personal and property rights of the author of the work.

2. Practical implications

The publication of the work under the public license terms CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International has, inter alia, the following copyright consequences:

Digital access and archiving policy

Full texts of articles are also available in the Digital Library of the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, which is the primary source and repository of academic publications at the Faculty of Arts. This approach to long-term access and digital archiving of fulltexts "in one place" is a strategic decision that was adopted by the Faculty of Arts many years ago. It allows us to ensure high-quality and consistent processing of metadata as well as long-term preservation (LTP) of digital documents, enabling users to search through all the texts.


Editorial office:

Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts
Department of Philosophy
Arna Nováka 1
602 00 Brno
Czech Republic
e-mail: profil@phil.muni.cz


Radim Bělohrad (belohrad@phil.muni.cz)

Executive editor

Tereza Trajlinková