Sloterdijk und das philosophische Kabinett

Special issue

The goal of the essayistic speculation (intended also as a brief laudatio) is to illustrate on an example the way that Sloterdijk could transform literary impulses into themes that he subsequently processes philosophically and develops in his works. I will present several of such potential transformations by means of parts and themes from Bonaventura’s Nachtwachen (1804, especially vigils 9 and 14), which Sloterdijk commented on in his Vienna lectures in 1998. The aim is not to seek parallels between Bonaventura’s and Sloterdijk’s works, but to illustrate the possibilities of a philosophical transformation, the exploitation of literary themes by philosophical imagination and subsequently a detailed elaboration of philosophical concepts.

philosophical room; Nachtwachen; philosophy and literature; homo nocturnus; mental hospital

Bonaventura (1805): Nachtwachen, [Zugriff vom 2017-04-10], erreichbar unter: <> tschechische Ausgabe: Bonaventura (1978): Noční vigilie. Odeon.

Bonaventura (2008): Itinerarum mentis in Deum, Paderborn.

Elden, S. (2012): Sloterdijk Now, Wiley.

Sloterdijk, P. (1998): Sphären: Mikrosphärologie, Band I, Blasen. Suhrkamp.

Sloterdijk, P. (1999): Sphären: Makrosphärologie. Band II, Globen, Suhrkamp.

Sloterdijk, P. (2004): Sphären: plurale Sphärologie. Band III, Schäume, Suhrkamp.

Sloterdijk, P. (2009): Scheintod im Denken. Von Philosophie und Wissenschaft als Übung, Suhrkamp.

Sloterdijk, P. (2011): Stress und Freiheit, Suhrkamp.

Sloterdijk, P. (2011a): Die Bauherren der Stadt. Stichworte zur urbanen Anthropologie, Vortrag am Rathaus der Stadt Stuttgart, [Zugriff vom 2017-04-15], erreichbar unter: <>

Sloterdijk, P. (2014): Man denkt an mich, also bin ich, in: Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin, 45/2014, [Zugriff vom 2017-04-10], erreichbar unter: <>



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