Why Do We Speak about Pantheism in Renaissance Thought?


The aim of the paper is to determine the concept of Pantheism in Renaissance. Although the term “Pantheism“ only emerged at the end of the 17th century in the context of so-called “Pantheismusstreit”, Giordano Bruno was labeled the predecessor of Modern pantheistic thought. Nicolaus of Cusa, as a follower of Maister Eckhart, also began to be viewed as a pantheist. Both Nicolaus of Cusa and Giordano Bruno advocated in a certain sense the immanence of the divine in the world, but simultaneously also stressed the difference between God and nature and ascribed transcendence or at least transcendental aspects to God. This view is not in concord with the definition of pantheism in a strong sense as the identity of God and the world. It seems, therefore, that the concept of Renaissance pantheism is an artificial construct, which was created by violently applying the terminology of Enlightenment philosophy on the Renaissance period.

Giordano Bruno; Nicolaus of Cusa; Pantheism; Renaissance philosophy

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