The Ontological Status of Ideal Space in Leibniz’s Theory


This study focuses on the ontological status of ideal, or else phenomenal space from the point of view of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. First of all, it is clarified in what sense, according to Leibniz, only ideal space is to be regarded as proper space and phenomenal space can be regarded as proper space only secondarily. In addition, the study challenges some interpretations of Leibnizian ideal space, according to which it is just an anticipation of Kantian space. However, the ideal, mathematical space of Leibniz is to be likened to Suarezian, or Hobbesian, rather than Kantian space.

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz; ideal space; phenomenal space
Author biography

Kateřina Lochmanová

Ostravská univerzita

doktorandka na Katedře filozofie FF OU, členka Collegium Leibnizianum při CTS AV ČR

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