Obraz domova v denících čs. legionářů



Idea of home in memoirs of members of the Czechoslovak Legion

This paper analyses the image of home in memoirs of members of the Czechoslovak Legion. It focuses not only on retrospective memories recorded during the service, but also on introductory, biographical and closing sections that are a part of many memoirs, as well as on the visions of the future free state and home they hoped to return to. The paper utilizes sampling method, picking three memoirs of members of the Legion and submitting to comparison the temporary and situationally diverse ideas of home found in them, as well as their development in time. Upon this sample are then demonstrated the repetitive motives and development tendencies observed in memoirs of members of the Legion and hypotheses are drawn to identify the background and causality of such tendencies. The article concludes with summarizing the results and outlining the possible further research in this yet sparsely researched field.

Klíčová slova:
the Czechoslovak Legion; home; First World War



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