Quadruplex est sensus Sacre scripture : zu der Hus zugeschriebenen Auslegung des vierfachen Schriftsinns
Klíčová slova:
biblical exegesis; 15th-century; Bohemian Latin literature; Jan Hus; four senses of Scripture
Quadruplex est sensus Sacre scripture : on the interpretation of the four senses of Scripture ascribed to Jan Hus
The article analyses the short treatise on the four senses of Scripture (De quadruplici sensu) preserved in several fifteenth-century manuscripts, which is tentatively ascribed to Jan Hus. The author surveys the known copies of the work (including the newly discovered ones), presents information that emerged from the preparation of its edition and examines the content and formal side of the treatise, its sources and relation to the previous tradition of interpretation of the four senses of Scripture. She also sketches the literary context of the work and explains its connection to preaching.
biblical exegesis; 15th-century; Bohemian Latin literature; Jan Hus; four senses of Scripture