Odraz Mahanova pojetí geopolitiky v britské zahraniční politice a v poválečných koncepcích kontinentální Evropy
Klíčová slova:
Mahan; naval supremacy; geopolitics; Third policy; Close Association; Western union
The reflection of Mahan's perception of geopolitics in the British foreign policy and in the postwar conceptions of the continental Europe
The text is divided in two semi-separate sections. The first explores the geopolitical legacy of A. T. Mahan and defines the place of Britain in it. The second section concentrates on the post-WWII Labour era and the actual British concepts of political cooperation with continental Europe and attempts to illustrate the role and impact of Mahan's geopolitical legacy within these.
Mahan; naval supremacy; geopolitics; Third policy; Close Association; Western union