Prameny pro rekonstrukci knihovních fondů klášterů cisterciáckého řádu na Moravě
Klíčová slova:
cloister; library; historical book collection; closing down of the monastery; Hanke of Hankenštejn; Velehrad; Žďár nad Sázavou; Předklášteří; Staré Brno
The sources for reconstruction of book collections of the cloisters of Cistercian Order in Moravia
The article describes the sources for the Reconstruction of the historical libraries of the cloisters of Cistercian Order in Moravia in the moment of their closing down, that is between the years 1782 and 1784. Various kinds of sources are described here. Using these sources it is possible to recontruct the book collections of the cloisters in Velehrad, Žďár nad Sázavou, Staré Brno and Předklášteří.
cloister; library; historical book collection; closing down of the monastery; Hanke of Hankenštejn; Velehrad; Žďár nad Sázavou; Předklášteří; Staré Brno