Patents of arms online : the database of patents of arms of the National Archives of Hungary
Klíčová slova:
patents of arms; coats of arms; online database; mass digitization; National Archives of Hungary; open access
Erbovní listiny online : databáze erbovních listin Maďarského národního archivu
Besides their decorative appearance, the patents of arms bear significant historical value, which provide important contribution to various areas of historical science. The aim of the National Archives of Hungary's project of several years was to create a versatile, illustrated, well-searchable and expandable online database, in which we could process the data of all the original patents of arms and related documents held in our institution. Our collections of patents of arms are being built since the foundation of our institution, and contain over 2000 original parchment charters granting mainly Hungarian and Transylvanian nobility along with heraldic achievements. At present, the National Archives of Hungary has completed the digitization and processing of all this material, except for the 131 medieval (pre-1526) charters, which is to be covered in the near future.
patents of arms; coats of arms; online database; mass digitization; National Archives of Hungary; open access