"einen anderen in jeder Hinsicht so repräsentativen Schuldigen gibt es nicht..." : die Bodenreform der Zwischenkriegszeit, die entschädigungslose Enteignung und die Liechtenstein
Klíčová slova:
land reform; expropriation; confiscation; White Mountain; nobility; Habsburg-Lothringen; Liechtenstein
"jiného v každém ohledu tak representativního vinníka není..." : pozemková reforma meziválečného období, vyvlastnění bez náhrady a Lichtenštejnové
"From all perspectives, there is no other such representatively guilty party..." : land reform during the interwar period, expropriation without compensation and the Liechtensteins
In Czech history the theme of the Battle of White Mountain has repeatedly been used as a tool in political struggles. During the interwar period it was instrumentalized in connection with the extensive land reform and was presented as "redress for post-White Mountain grievances". This applied to the nobility in general and to the Liechtensteins in particular, where the actions of Charles of Liechtenstein were to be the main argument for expropriating their property without compensation. In the end, however, expropriation without compensation only affected the members of the Habsburg-Lothringen dynasty.
land reform; expropriation; confiscation; White Mountain; nobility; Habsburg-Lothringen; Liechtenstein