Role of arbiter in Roman classical law



Role arbitra v klasickém římském právu

The paper deals with the role of the jury in Roman court proceedings. It presents the basic characteristics of Roman civil procedure in the classical period. It points out the differences between the older period of so-called proceedings by means of statutory actions (legis actiones) and proceedings by means of so-called procedural formulas. The emphasis is on the classical period of Roman law. The court proceedings of this period differ in substance from both the older and the Justinian proceedings. The judicial process of the Emperor Justinian is based on the type of extra ordinem procedure that was introduced during the reign of the Roman emperors. This procedure has all the characteristics of a modern judicial procedure – the trial is presided over by a professional judge, appointed by the State and trained in law, the legal effects of the proceedings occur when the action is served, there is a possibility of appeal within a hierarchical system of appeal courts, etc. The court proceedings under classical law are much less formal and based on greater cooperation between the parties; the parties themselves determine the conditions under which they will submit to the judge's judgment, and the state only authorizes the parties' agreement. The parties also choose the arbitrator in whom they have confidence and to whom they entrust the fate of their dispute. The arbitrator focuses not on the legal evaluation of the dispute, but only on proving particular facts that are alleged by the parties during the process. The arbitrator's judgment itself is as binding and immutable as that of a modern court and can also be – very quickly and effectively executed by the power of the state.

Klíčová slova:
Roman law; Roman litigation; proceeding per formulas; arbiter; M. T. Cicero; iudicium quod imperio continetur


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