Standard of proof in late medieval legal theory : a conceptual journey



Důkazní standard v pozdně středověké právní teorii : konceptuální cesta

For the first time in legal history, the system of proof was developed in late medieval learned law. Legal historians have long debated the role of the judge within this system. Some scholars argue that the idea of legal evidence existed in Roman or canon law, suggesting that the judge's role in evidentiary proceedings was confined to determining whether the presented evidence met specific, rigid standards. Conversely, other researchers propose that this system operated under different assumptions, asserting that judges possessed greater discretion in evaluating evidence, and that legal doctrine provided a framework for shaping the judge's conviction. Both perspectives offer a range of arguments supporting them. In this paper, I aim to briefly review selected scholarly positions on this issue, present my own interpretation and propose research directions for further inquiry. Upon reflecting on the meaning of the ordo iudiciarius procedure, I contend that, at least in the context of canon law, there is significant alignment with the concept of legal evidence.

Klíčová slova:
historiography; legal history; Roman law; canon law; law of proof


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