Ecclesiastical dispute resolution in the diocese of Prague : arbitration proceedings of Vicar general and corrector of the clergy at the turn of 14th and 15th century



Mimosoudní řešení sporů v pražské diecézi : rozhodčí řízení před generálním vikářem a korektorem kléru na přelomu 14. a 15. století

The submission analyses the arbitrary practice within two of the archbishop's representative offices in the diocese of Prague. It focuses on the arbitrary agenda as documented in the Acta iudiciaria and Acta correctoris cleri 1407–1410, which served as judicial records for the vicar general and the corrector of the clergy (the ecclesiastical criminal judge). These selected offices provide an insight into the application of general canon law in bohemian practice. Subsequently, the paper addresses three main questions. The first question pertains to terminology issues and the potential distinction between "Arbiter, arbitrator and amicabilis compositor" before the judge, particularly considering that these terms held distinct meanings under canon law. The second question delves into an overview of the cases and focuses on the status of arbiters and their compliance with canon law. In the final analysis, the paper explores the procedural approach of the vicar general and corrector of the clergy, offering insight into the practices at the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries. Given the nature of out-of-court litigation, the submission also comments on the methods of coercion used in the recorded cases and the punitive measures applied within the proceedings.

Klíčová slova:
arbiter; arbitrator; amicabilis compositor; arbitration; corrector of the clergy; vicar general; ecclesiastical courts; ecclesiastical administration; diocese of Prague; turn of the 14th and 15th centuries


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